Numerology is the study of numbers and their meanings. It is based on the belief that the name you were given at birth combined with the day, month and year you were born, influence who you are and what will happen to you during your lifetime. The practice of Numerology goes back to Ancient times. There is evidence that numerology was in use thousands of years ago in China, Greece, Rome and Egypt. Pythagoras, a philosopher and mathematician, who lived and taught in Southern Greece during the sixth century B.C. is generally thought of as the 'father' of numerology. His teachings spawned a philosophical and religious movement called 'Pythagorism' that spread throughout the Roman Empire. His teachings were passed on orally to privileged initiates, orally because he believed such information was far too important and sacred to be used by just anyone. Pythagaros believed that reality is mathematical, that order is created out of chaos through numbers,this is the principle on which numerology is founded. The teachings of Pythagoras were continued by Plato and can be found in the writings of the Hebrew Qabbalah. An interest in Numerology by many early Christian scholars, including St. Augustine, led to the widespread use of the art during the Renaissance. At that time numerology was accepted by everyone from the most educated scholar to the farmer in the field.
Numerologists believe that everything, names, birthdates and even abstract concepts, can be converted into numbers and that those numbers have specific meanings. By finding the number value you can discover its hidden meaning. There are two schools of thought within being that only single digit numbers carry meaning, those between 1-9. The other opinion is that the numbers 11 and 22 have special meaning and therefore should not be broke down to 2 and 4 respectively. I will include 1-9,11 and 22 in both of the "descriptor sections"and let you make your own decisions.
When we take the numerical sum of our Birthdate these numbers represent the LIFE PATH. It is believed the Life Path represents the lesson you have come to learn in this life time. Some aspect of your life that you did not get quite right last time around. Bigotry, greed and lust in a past life are just some of the Karmic baggage we carry with us that must be balanced . A "life force" must be in balance before we can move on to the next plane of existence. Goto Life Path
NAMES ( Birth and Magickal)
Each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a number.The numerical value of your "given birthname" or "magickal name" if you have one, gives a glimpse into an individuals personality. Much in the same way as the Ruling Planet and Rising Sign in Astrology do. Some Numerologists use the full name on the Birth Certificate..others only the first name. The reason being, in the case of a woman your name may change when married. I find the first name gives the more appropriate information. The number derived from this calculation is called the "Destiny" number. This is the number that describes the talents and attitudes at your disposal in this lifetime if you choose to develop and use them. Goto Destiny
The Soul Urge or as it is sometimes called, the heart's desire, is an important core influence in numerology. This number is made up from the vowels (a, e, i, o and u, and w and y when they are used as a vowel) in your full name. A Y is a vowel when there is no other vowel in a syllable (Lynn or Carolyn) and when it is preceded by a vowel and sounded as one sound (Hayden). A W is a vowel when it is preceded by a vowel and sounded as one sound (Howell). The sum of all of these letter, converted to numbers, and reduced to a single number or a master number is your Soul Urge. This means your inner craving, likes and dislikes. This number denotes what you value most regardless of Life Path (what you are from birth) and Destiny(what you will become in life). Goto Soul Urge
We are all inherently subject to major changes in our lives . Numerology attempts to project major life changes and calls these monumental turns in the road pinnacles. If it weren't for these big transformations in life, the highly successful would become apathetic, and those struggling would soon feel totally hopeless. Pinnacle in our live give us the necessary change of pace and direction that is stimulating and hopeful. Pinnacles show the direction that progress will lead us. A pinnacle is an experience occurring over a specific time in our life. These pinnacle periods have been compared to the four seasons. The first pinnacle is the spring of life. The second covering years of family raising and responsibility represent summer. The third covering middle-age and growing maturity of judgment represent the autumn of life, and the forth, consolidating the experiences of life, is represented by winter. Each pinnacle is represented by a number and the number reflects the tone of the period. The pinnacle number is written in the birth date. We will use the month, the day and the year of birth in this calculation. The first step will be to reduce each of these components to a single digit base number. Even master numbers are reduced to achieve the pinnacles. Goto Pinnacles