Destiny Number
S+P+Y+D=R | 1+7+7+4+9=28 | 2+8=10 | 1+0=1 |
This person is the quite the individual, can become a dictator if not very careful. Never follows the crowd....prefers to lead. Prefer to be it right or wrong. Works best alone. Number 1 has a great imagination so it is not surprising that this number pertains to literature. The best form of escapism for this person is between the pages of a book or any other form of solitary entertainment. Some people under this number are also quite social, but they will protect their own personal space quite adamantly.
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A cooperative, sympathetic person who enjoys in solving problems and group projects. This person is a diplomat who must beware not to become static by not making decisions for fear of hurting other peoples feelings.Number 2 is the number of duality's: Masculine - feminine, positive - negative, light - dark, love - hate ... etc. has a marked difference in its . To understand this it must be recognized that each person has a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual persona. The physical man is emotionally female, mentally male and spiritually female. The physical female is the opposite. Both however are sensitive and build a facade around their true selves. The most noticeable difference between male and female is on the emotional level. Males appear to be introvert whilst females appear more extrovert, but notice that I have said ‘appear to be’. The number 2 is mainly introverted. Any display of aggression is just a front.
This person is optimistic and inspirational.Has very creative and artistic abilities in some form. Must be careful has a tendency to talk to much and do nothing.Number 3 loves the limelight and being the center of attention. They are always the life of the party. Number 3 loves nothing more than to be in a crowd or in good company - maybe telling a story, a joke or recounting an event; and probably embellishing the truth just a tad. Number 3 loves to create in every sense of the word and may generally find it very hard to be serious for any length of time.
This person is slow and steady. Taking their time in building careers, relationships..etc. They will do best when serving others. Can have a tendency to be pennypinchers and nitpickers.Number 4 is the foundation stone of the single digit numbers upon which all things are built. Without system and order there would be chaos and destruction. Number 4 pertains to security, People with this number are gifted with a sense of logic and must learn to use it to create order and security around them. They are also highly intuitive and must learn to listen to and follow there gut instinct.
This person thrives on change and new things.The number 5’s constant search for the new and exciting means that the path they must follow is frequently strayed from. Some may fall into the trap of believing that the grass is always greener on the other side and become a ‘rolling stone’, never settling down for any length of time and ultimately never satisfied. Some may even succumb to excessive indulgence in food, drink, drugs or sex. The danger and excitement of the illegal draws them.
These people are highly concerned with home and hearth. They have a very strong sense of justice and fair play. They will do almost anything to have a stable home life, sometimes becoming worrywarts. As love and harmony emanates from within them, so it will be reciprocated. They must be there to help, sometimes even to their own disadvantage but they must also be able to discriminate between: helping / interfering, helping / being taken for a ride. They are helpful by nature and will seldom be found inactive. Number 6 is a ‘doer’ and can make excellent organizers.
These people often start life out on a rocky road, with many trials and tests. Especially when it comes to spotting those attempting to deceive. There is an award for these is the gift of great understanding and sympathy.The emphasis of their lesson steers away from the material aspects of life so they must learn and understand the non-material and philosophical. Material opportunities will arise and they must learn to take advantage of this, but to pursue the material alone will leave them empty and dissatisfied.Number 7 is the number of knowledge, analysis, understanding and questions. They will question everything - even what may appear to others to be the very obvious - and will look deeply and continuously for ‘the catch’ or flaw until they are absolutely satisfied that everything is as it should be.
This person has the potential to be a great business and financial organizer. They like to acquire money and position, but must remember to be charitable.They are very emotional and it may take a little while to master the potential of this energy. At first they may achieve little until they learn self motivation, goal setting and realistic targets.The number 8 is more often then not responsible for the lazy streak in people. Just as dark is merely an absence of light - so idleness is an absence of motivation.
If this person disregards the responsibilities of their life great disappointments will result.These people are designed to help others; to enhance and amplify other peoples potential. As a consequence, these people are very adaptable. Their ability to diversify is great and can be a distinct advantage to potential.The further up the single digit scale, the harder each energy potential becomes to handle. Many 9’s may struggle for some time before the lesson can be achieved. Number 9 is a doer and can tend to be the thrusting number behind impulsiveness. Consideration would be prudent before jumping in with both feet. Most 9’s may feel resentful at times toward the lack of return. Selfishness and insensitivity can occur due to a feeling of disillusionment. At times like this they must be careful to guard against destructive tendencies. Fortunately this kind of phase cannot be sustained for any length of time. Number 9 must learn moderation wherever possible.
These people are the most happiest when pursuing a life which expresses their religious ideals in some way. Some become withdrawn from the world and pursue their calling in private. Others will work where they can help others.The practical application of this lesson is extremely difficult. 11 is often known as the number of the dreamer because of the subjects natural aloofness with the material world. Also number 11 has the propensity to come up with big ideas and solutions which are not always thought through properly and can more often than not, be totally impractical.
These people are innovative, usually on a national or community level. They are great organizers and communicators. In fact the potential is massive and the magnitude of their accomplishments merely depends upon their ability to harness this energy.The practical application of this lesson is extremely difficult. Number 22 wants to be not only good at what they do - they want to be the best! Number 22 will always be found striving for the highest performance, the best they can possibly achieve. To put it another way, they are looking for perfection. Anything else isn’t good enough and number 22 has the tenacity to keep going long after everyone else has given up.