Life Path
EXAMPLE ..........November 1 1963
1+1+1+1+9+6+3=22 | 2+2=4/22 Master Number | 4 and 22 are the Life Path numbers |
The lesson you must learn is the benefit of independence. It is a two-part lesson. First you must learn to stand on your own two feet and not be dependent on others. Second, the harder part of the lesson, is to attain and achieve by your own independent and individual efforts. This number is the first of the single digit numbers and its principle is indicative of one who stands alone. To some, this Life Path lesson may seem simple to learn but for those who have it, it is not. |
The lesson you must learn is the satisfaction of participation, diplomacy and compromise. You are given the ability to see both sides of any given situation. You must learn to develop your capabilities as an organiser and facilitator in group situations. Recognition will be rare as your lesson involves being mostly in the background. This part of the lesson is possibly the most difficult because you must feel comfortable with others getting the credit for your ideas or the limelight for your efforts. |
The lesson you must learn is the joy of expression; of yourself, life everything. If you can be open, warm hearted and friendly, you will be admired by others and desired as a pleasant companion. More importantly you will lift the spirits of those around you and help them to look more optimistically toward the future. You must learn always to look on the bright side and seek to find the beauty that can be found in the world. |
The lesson you must learn is the advantage of system, order and limitation. Your lesson will be learned in the application of reliability, order, service and hard work. You must learn to live within the laws of limitation and form - of life, environment, physical and mental. You may feel that your circumstances limit you more than others but this is because there are no short cuts for you; no ‘get rich quick’ schemes. Everything that you do must be accomplished in a step-by-step systematic fashion. Limitations are boundaries that turn chaotic forces into balanced form. Therefore you must learn to accept restrictions rather than struggle against them. |
The lesson that must be learnt is the constructive use of focus. This person has the potential to adapt quickly, communicate effectively and think with crystal clarity. This type of person will try anything once but it had better be interesting or they will flit to the next thing that comes along rather quickly. The number 5 craves for new experiences, new stimuli and new information. And therefore has a tendency to not achieve anything in the long run. |
The lesson you must learn is the satisfaction of balance, responsibility and harmony. You will have been the ability and potential to give help and comfort whenever needed, to support those too weak to support themselves. You are likely to find yourself responsible for more than you fair share but you must accept that which is your responsibility and learn to serve family, friends and relatives. |
The lesson you must learn is the peace of mind that comes with understanding. You have a good mind and a fine intuition. You have also been given the ability to look at things in a different perspective then most. The reason for this is so that you may study and contemplate; to challenge the established and the orthodox. You must learn not to judge by appearances only but to use and trust your intuition. The emphasis of your lesson steers away from the material aspects of life so you must learn and understand the non-material and philosophical. |
The lesson you must learn is the satisfaction of the material world and the correct application of its powers. You will have been endowed with the potential for ambition and the desire to succeed. You will be concerned with money, posessions, status and power, measuring yourself against the success of others. You must learn direction and the correct use of ambition. The number of this Life Path is very emotional and it may take a little while to master the potential of this energy. At first you may achieve little until you learn self motivation, goal setting and realistic targets. |
The lesson you must learn is the satisfaction of giving - of yourself, your time, and your effort - without any thought of reward. It is a simple lesson in theory but a very difficult one in practice and is one of the most difficult lessons to learn. You must learn selflessness, and togive up material posessions or ambitions for the common good. Your love and compassion must be expressed with purity and understanding with no thought of reward. The satisfaction of giving is the easy bit. The difficulty of course is the lack of return. Your reward must come from the giving. If you look for more, or have ulterior motives, your path will become difficult and you will find little reward or satisfaction. |
With this lesson you must bear in mind that all people with this Life Path must begin by learning the lesson of the number 2. You must read the lesson of Life Path number 2 before this one. The lesson you must learn is an awareness of the spiritual / non-material world. This is a ‘ Master Number’ and its energy potential is extremely difficult to handle. You will have been gifted with added perceptions, added awareness and different capabilities and understanding. These potentials will take a great deal of effort to develop and you must bear in mind at all times that your feet must always be planted firmly on the ground. Otherwise any ability that you do develop will be useless to everyone, including yourself. Once developed you will have the potential capability to attain far more than others. You must learn to ‘tune in’ to the forces around you and develop your intuition. Much useful information can be learnt from psychic or occult studies. With knowledge comes understanding and illumination. It is important that you use your awareness and illumination for others benefit. |
With this lesson you must bear in mind that all people with this Life Path must begin by learning the lesson of the number 4. You must read the lesson of Life Path number 4 before this one. The lesson you must learn is the ultimate mastery of combining the highest ideals with enormous power in order to achieve the largest of material goals. Number 22 is a ‘Master Number’ and is the most difficult lesson to learn in Numerology. You will have been gifted with added perceptions, awareness, capabilities of understanding PLUS the ability to attain anything and everything by way of material accomplishments. You must learn first of all, and this is the difficult part of the lesson, to focus and harness this enormous energy. You must also work for the benefit of mankind in order to achieve your own ultimate growth. |