Full Moon |
Waning Moon |
Dark Moon |
New Moon |
Waxing Moon |
When the moon is waning (from full to dark) it is time for banishing . The three days before the New Moon is known as the Dark of the Moon, this is a time to rest and recoup energy. When the moon is waxing (from dark to full) This is the time for constructive, creative magicke.
Moon Phase Correspondences for Magical Workings
Moon Phases and Elemental Magic
The Moon travels thru the Signs of the Zodiac just as the Sun does. Approximately every two and a half days she moves from one sign to the next.
Spells should be preformed when the Moon is in one of the appropriate Astrological signs governed by that Element. Llewelyn Publishes an awesome Witches Calender that contains this information. Each Zodiac sign corresponds to one of the four Elementals - Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Each Element has a corresponding Magickal Herb.
Moon in Taurus: Spells involving love, real estate, and money.
Moon in Virgo: Spells involving employment matters, health and intellectual matters.
Moon in Capricorn: Spells involving career, political matters and ambition.
Moon in Gemini: Spells involving communication, public relations and travel.
Moon in Libra: Spells involving court cases, partnerships and artistic matters.
Moon in Aquarius: Spells involving science, freedom, personal expression, problem solving, friendship.
Moon in Aries: Spells involving authority, willpower and rebirth.
Moon in Leo: Spells involving power over others, courage, child birth.
Moon in Sagittarius: Spells involving publications, sports and the truth.
Moon in Cancer: Spells involving domestic life and honoring lunar deities.
Moon in Scorpio: Spells involving secrets, power and psychic growth.
Moon in Pisces: Spells involving music, telepathy and clairvoyance.