Magickal Properties
of Herbs
Not only do herbs have their specific healing abilities but many also have Magickal properties. Witches and Druids have used plants for Mystical reasons for thousands of years. This information is very difficult to find, but thanks to all the work done by Cerridwynn I can now provide a pretty complete list.
Listed below are quite a few of the herbs used by Witches for their Magickal abilities. I have not included any that would be used for hexes.
Acacia - use as an incense to develop power and
used for a blessing on the altar. Development of psychic abilities also. When
mixed w/rosebuds, it is used as a lover's incense to increase the intensity
of the love or to attract a new lover.
Basil - used to increase love; sprinkle on food
and salads. To keep a happy atmosphere in the home, keep some on the center
of the table and replace it each week. It is also used to give the home protection
from evil.
Bay Leaves - Dreams , visions, clairvoyance, healing,
purification, protection. If placed in a conjure bag and carried in the left
pocket, it will stop interference by other people in your life.
Black Cohosh - used to prevent evil spirits from
entering, grind it up fine and sprinkle around the outside of your house.
This will provide protection from harm.
Blessed Thistle - used to call good spirits. Mixed
w/rue, brings good luck around you all the time. Can be carried ina conjure
bag, or sprinkled around the home or in the car.
Camphor - mix this w/Shi shi incnse and burn before
going to sleep. You will see the future in your dreams.
Comfrey - provides safety when traveling. Carry
in mojo bag.
Chamomile Flowers - Induce restful sleep, enhances
youth, intellect, quickness and judgement.
Dandelion - carry this in a green conjure bag
to make your dreams come true.
Fennel seeds - carry them to prevent curses and
negative problems. Fern--place the leaves on the window sill to prevent hexes
and curses.
Frankincense - To increase the power of any work you are doing add
some of the powder into any incense you are using. To Summon a Spirit--burn
some of the incense and blow it around the room. Keep a glass of water nearby
and add some Witches' Salt(consecrated) to it. This will hold the Spirit there.
Flax - used as a tea to increase Psychic abilities.
For special protection of children, a bag of the herb is placed under their
Ginger - Add to all love potions for faster results.
Can be used as a powder, burned, or added to food.
High John the Conqueror - To increase your psychich
abilities rub the root each day w/your hands. To obtain protection anoint
w/Protection Oil and carry w/you at all times.
Horehound - used to keep dogs and animals away.
Sprinkle some around your property and there will not be any interference
by animals.
Hyssop - Blessings, purge of negativity, when
it is burned it dispels evil vibrations. Mix w/rosemary and sprinkle in the
clothing to ensure long-lasting protection against accidents.
Jasmine - used as a tea to give psychic dreams.
Kava kava root - used as a protection from
harm and accidents while travelling. Used as a tea for an aphrodisiac.
Lavender Flowers - Peace of mind
Marigold Flowers/Calendula - Clairvoyant dreams,
protection while sleeping.
Mint - Use this herb to break spells and hexes.
Place in a black conjure bag and carry on the body. Mix w/ash leaves and blue
flag root to gain mental strength.
Mugwort - Prophetic Dreams, when burned
as an incense success will be gained in psychic and crystal gazing work.
Nettle - used to break jinxes. Grind finely, and
sprinkle all around the house.
Orange Blossoms - Calm, peace of mind.
Passion Flowers -
Sprinkle around your front door to keep out all anger and distrust.
Patchouli - used to break any spell. Mix
with graveyard dust and carry in a purple conjure bage. When mixed w/Sandalwood
and quassia and carried in a green conjure bag it attracts money to the wearer.
Pennyroyal - used in teh home as an incense to
keep peace and tranquility. Burn blue candles while doing this. Also keep
some of the herb in a bowl on the table at all times. This will afford protection
from Evil in the home.
Peppermint Leaves - Relaxation, healing, help
falling asleep. Will increase psychic ability when used as an incense.
Rosemary - To attract joy and good feelings burn
rosemary mixed into an incense w/sandalwood. Placed in a purple conjure bag
then suspended over the front door will ensure protection for the home against
all hexes, curses, and spells.
Rose Buds, Pink - Calm, clairvoyance, love
Rose Hips - place in a green conjure bag w/a turquoise
stone to bring good luck and call in Good Spirits.
Sage - When carried in a purple conjure bag, it
will impart wisdom to you.
Saint John's Wort - put this herb in purple conjre
bags and hang overall doors and windows when under a strong attack. Also should
be carried under the belt in a conjure bag for additional protection.
Sandalwood - increases the power of your rituals,
will keep you safe.
Solomon's Seal Root - burn as an incense to bring
success to any fiinancial endeavor. To exorcise evil spirits, sprinkle this
herb in all corners of the room. Anoint the doors and windwos w/Protection
Oil and burn protection incense.
Thyme - grow a plant and as it grows your money
will grow in volume. Take a dollar bill and wrap it around some thyme secure
it w/green silk thread and then bury it on the night of the full moon. Your
furtunes will increase, and your wealth as well.
Valerian Root - Used as a tea to calm the nerves.
To stop an unwantd visitor sprinkle the herb across the front steps and say
his/her name. The visitor will be unable to cross the herb adn will stay away
from you.
Vervain - Freedom from nightmares, purification,
Whole Cloves - keep away hostile forces, add energy
Witches' Grass - Used to increase the power of
all rituals and spells.
Wolfbane - Used to call strong spirits to you.
It is burned as an incense w/a trace of brimstone (Spiritual). It will provide
an energy to call the spirits and to hold them.
Wormwood - use as an incense to bring the Spirits
to you. Mix w/Sandalwood and patchouli for a powerful incense to attract good
Yarrow - Used to increase the Power when evoking
The following list comes from the Druidic 'Book of Pheryllt', Druids carried these 16 plus one with them at all times. The 16 come under the four elemental categories, the plus one was Mistle toe. Mistletoe was a very sacred, it was believed this plant contained the 'spirit' of its host- the Oak. The most sacred of trees to the Druids. These herbs were carried in dried form to be made into teas or as tinctures to be added to tea. Tinctures are by far the easiest way to carry the prepared herb, take one ounce of the dried herb and cover with twice the amount of grain alcohol. Today's best alcoholic choice is Vodka, leave covered for two weeks, strain and store in small bottle with eyedropper. To use, the standard rule is one drop per 10lbs of body weight. Of course extreme caution should be used with children, elderly and the infirm. If you are wishing to follow Traditional Druidic practice then one drop of Mistletoe tincture should be added to each bottle of the Herbal tinctures. The Mistletoe works as an 'energy booster' triggering the healing power of the herb.
Each of the sixteen herbs are also associated with the four elementals. Use these if you are performing a Ritual pertaining to a specific element or one that matches your Elemental. By matching your Elemental you will be enhancing your ability.
St Johns Wort
Lady Slipper
Black Willow
Worm Wood
White Oak