
Alfalfa- excellent source of magnesium, potassium and beta carotene. Invigorates appetite, relieves constipation and may reduce inflammation for Arthritis and Rheumatism. Caution-has been known to aggravate lupus and other auto-immune problems. Very high in vitamin K care must be taken if on prescribed blood thinners such as Coumadin.......vitamin k will inhibit the drugs usefulness.

Aloe Vera- the desert Lily its gel is considered one of the best for burns, keeps skin soft, lessens itchiness of bug bites, taken internally aloe is a gentle laxative and promotes overall healing. Caution-Do not take internally when pregnant.

Angelica- an excellent expectorant relieves the build up of phlegm due to asthma, cold and bronchitis. Relieves menstrual cramps and is a good remedy for skin lice. Caution- Do not use during pregnancy, large doses can affect heart action, respiration and blood pressure.

Anise- Ancient Egyptians used this sweet seed for spicing and to relieve gas, aids digestion and relieves nausea. Soothes a cough and will increase milk production for nursing mothers.

Apple- by regulating the intestinal tract an apple a day can prevent constipation and diarrhea. Brings down cholesterol, balances blood sugar levels and may reduce the stiffness caused by Rheumatism.

Astragalus- increases resistance against disease, may help in water retention and appears to restore normal immune function in cancer patients after radiation and chemotherapy. Caution- if undergoing Chemotherapy check with doctor before taking.

Basil- reduces nausea and stomach cramps, aids digestion and relieves gas

Bayberry Bark- good astringent, helps clear congestion associated with a chest cold. Especially if made into a tea.

Bilberry- this herb is great for eyesight, especially for people with poor night vision, also prevents eye damage. This herb is usually found mixed with Eyebright. Caution- commercially prepared extract is safe but the raw leaves are considered toxic.

Burdock- helps rid the body of toxins, reduces water retention, good for skin irritations like canker sores,eczema and hemorrhoids. Soothes Arthritic and backache pain.

Butchers Broom- improves circulation in hands and feet, anti-inflammatory effect helps Arthritis and rheumatism.

Calendula- as an ointment this will relieve burns and skin wounds, taken orally it will reduce fevers and quiet an ulcer. Caution- do not take during pregnancy

Cayenne- rich in vitamin C, B-complex, Iron, Calcium and Phosphorous. This herb stimulates appetite, triggers endorphins in the brain which in turn reduce pain. Can relieve headaches and lower Cholesterol. Caution- high dosages can irritate Kidneys

Caraway- increases milk for breastfeeding, great expectorant and stimulates appetite.

Catnip- relaxes the body, eases indigestion and gas, helps control Diarrhea.

Chamomile- soothes skin irritations such as a sun burn, will relax the muscles and help with insomnia.

Cloves- great antiseptic, also wonderful at soothing toothaches.

Damiana- puts a person in a good mood, increases sexual performance.

Dandelion- reduces excess body fluid and salt, decreasing blood pressure and protecting against anemia. Take for only short periods of time.

Devil's Claw- anti-inflammatory affect is great for Arthritis. Caution- do not take during pregnancy

Echinacea- fights bacterial and viral infections, shortens a colds duration and boosts the immune system. Caution- Recently it has been discovered that this herb should not be taken continuously. Take at the first signs of a cold, if taken continuously. it will actually cause the cold to settle in the chest and lungs leading to infection.

Elder- relieves cold symptoms, externally it is used for skin irritations such as burns, eczema and rashes. Caution- raw seeds are toxic

Ephedra- decongestant for stuffy nose caused by colds and allergies, may relieve headaches. Caution- do not use without doctors supervision if you have any of the following high blood pressure, heart disease, thyroid problems or are pregnant or nursing.

Eucalyptus- good expectorant and antiseptic, relieves stiffness and swelling. May help upper respiratory problems. Caution- do not use internally or on broken skin.

Eyebright- as an eye wash it can relieve tired itchy eyes, taken internally especially with Bilberry can help maintain and improve night vision.

Fenugreek- as a gargle relieves sore throat, good expectorant and lowers blood sugar.

Feverfew- this herb inhibits the release of two inflammatory substances that cause migraines, it may take a few months to take affect but it is well worth the wait. Caution- some people get mouth ulcers, discontinue use if this happens.

Garlic- the wonder herb, ear infections, prevents heart disease, cancer, natural antibiotic, lowers cholesterol, reduces risk of blood clots, indigestion and relieves gas. Caution- more then ten cloves a day is toxic

Ginger- calms morning sickness, upset stomach, grated Ginger mixed with olive oil is great for dandruff. Eases cold symptoms.

Ginkgo Biloba- inflammations due to allergies, improves circulation, concentration and memory are improved, slows aging, relieves symptoms of Alzheimer's.

Ginseng- well we could write a book here on the benefits of Ginseng. There are three kinds of commonly sold ginseng. Red Korean, Siberian and American. Red Korean (Heaven grade)is the strongest in Ginsenosides.....the measured active ingredient of the root. This type can be over stimulating to some people and should therefore be taken early in the day. Korean Ginseng may also be too strong for people with heart conditions. If a known heart problem exists then it is suggested a person take American Ginseng. Not a true member of the ginseng family, but the plants properties do produce the same affect without Ginsenosides. Siberian is a true ginseng but alot less stimulating........and seems to be the preferred ginseng for women. In general Ginseng relieves hot flashes, improves sex life, endurance, lowers cholesterol, helps reduce stress, inhibits growth of cancerous tumors, normalizes body functions, mental endurance. Also it is reported that Vitamin C inhibits Ginseng absorption, so they should be taken at separate times.

Goldenseal- good for skin conditions such as eczema, aids indigestion, combined with myrrh relieves an ulcer, as a mouthwash prevents gum disease and relieves cold symptoms. Caution- may raise blood pressure, so do not use if a history of high blood pressure. Do not use if pregnant. Do not use for more than 2 weeks at a time.

Gotu Kola- calming effect on the body, good expectorant, may improve memory and improves circulation. Caution- Do not use during pregnancy or if a history of overactive thyroid.