Developing Psychic Ability pt.2


Further Exercises to Develop Clairvoyance

For many people, clairvoyance comes naturally — especially for children. However, with training, practice, and faith, anyone can learn to perform detailed and accurate readings. Clairvoyant abilities enhance life; the need for spiritual insight and understanding has led people to explore ways of developing their own intuition. A growing number of people are waking up to the levels of awareness within themselves and are seeking validation for invaluable, empowering tools that can be used in everyday life for guidance, healing, protection, manifestation, and creativity.

Clairvoyant ability helps access and decipher visual information through extrasensory means, i.e., without involving the eyes but the infinite universe beyond. When being clairvoyant, the same mechanics of the brain that are active while dreaming or using the imagination are used. Clairvoyant development helps you access a higher form of learning and information that could not possibly be obtained through logical or physical means. Clairvoyance helps access creative energies and ideas that greatly enhance artistic endeavors.

Without attempting something, it would be impossible to know that the ability existed, and that, with training and practice, it could be developed. The path of clairvoyance is a path of personal transformation, and it is like bringing a lantern into a dark, ancient cave. The innate psychic abilities we are born with are overlooked as we become “conditioned” to see the world in mundane ways.

However, progress is hard to measure because of the elusive nature of psychic phenomena. As there are no guarantees of success, the frustration level can be high. However, the key to success is to not give up.

Set aside time to practice. Calm the mind and relax. Concentration is an ability that must develop in and of it. When it becomes an integral part of daily experience, the ability to charge and renew spiritual energy system at any time and situation is gained.

The next most important, yet most misunderstood, metaphysical process is to clear the psyche. A blocked psyche takes energy away from the individual and prevents the raising of the consciousness. It sets limits on an individual’s perspective by making it linear and stops spiritual growth. Without growth, a psychic cannot achieve enlightenment. Clearing the psyche is removing karma — changing negative thought patterns and achieving spiritual lessons that will help you become a better and “purer” psychic.

The first step in clearing the psyche is acknowledging the existence of a karmic issue or negative trait. Once you have defined the issue, acknowledge it by giving it form, and then forgive. Either forgive yourself for having those perceptions, or forgive those individuals or issues you think played a part in it, or both.

Move the ego aside and allow the divine forces to work through you and with you. Allowing your own ego to get the best of you will eventually work against your abilities and, sometimes, your physical body. Only after forgiving can you release the past. By releasing the issue, you are “taking the power” out of it so that there’s nothing there to hold you back.

As you work on the issues in your life that stop you from treading the enlightened path, you can begin developing your gifts. Once the acknowledgement, forgiveness, and “letting go” are achieved, then the “pure” psychic and/or channel can emerge.

Ten beginner exercises that help to unlock spiritual gifts and harness the energy of the spirit are:

1. When the telephone rings, pause. Before doing anything, try to visualize the person calling. Before answering the doorbell, try to guess who it will be. Accuracy in intuition and precognition will improve dramatically through practice.

2. At a queue, visualize the teller who will serve you. This exercise is done to develop intuition and the ability to psychically connect with others who are in close proximity.

3. At sporting events, guess the outcome before the event begins. To develop this skill, expand to predicting more statistics such as scores.

4. Practice at a dice roll by calling “even” or “odd” before the dice is thrown; your accuracy will increase with practice. Expand to call the number the dice will land on.

5. With a friend and a deck of playing cards, begin by predicting black or red. When accuracy is 80% or greater, expand to predict the suit, and, later, the number or face of the card as well.

6. When in an elevator, if another passenger joins you, guess the button that they’ll press.

7. First thing in the morning, write down the names of those you will have important interactions with that day. Instead of relying on logic, clear the mind and allow faces or names to come to you naturally. Doing this regularly will improve your accuracy.

8. Guess another’s intentions. This exercise helps you improve your intuition concerning the intentions, preferences, and actions of others, and it can lead to developing telepathy and empathy.

9. Before a meeting or appointment, guess the color of clothing the other person will be wearing before you meet. This improves your clairvoyant abilities and develops remote-viewing skills as well. Or, see if you can guess the mood of the people you will meet today.

10. Among three friends of yours, ask a friend to lie to you (decided among them earlier). Write down the name of the person you feel will lie to you. After asking the question and listening to their reply, show them the paper. This helps you develop intuition and precognition, and can lead to developing telepathy. This skill is especially valuable in life; the ability to recognize deception, and even predict it, can make your life, and the lives of many others, much smoother.

Clairvoyant reading is a form of meditation. It forces you to concentrate because the second that your attention wanders, you will lose access to information. It relaxes you and puts you in a completely different frame of mind and emotional state. It helps in processing energy, break patterns, and programming, and heals wounds for yourself and others more easily. Reading other people helps you gain insights into your own situation because you will be drawn to read people who are mirrors for yourself.

Using the meditation tools of grounding and running energy, meditation can be used to focus creative life-force energy. Problem-solving, differentiating the truth from the lies, practicing affirmations, calling back energy from the past to create the future are reasons to make meditation a part of daily lifestyle. Learning about the spiritual energy system will stimulate awareness and growth of the aura, charkas, and energy channels, and help us facilitate change within it. Working with a spiritual healing guide will teach a great deal on how to be aware of and how to communicate with spirit. By developing clairvoyance, personal power, i.e., power over oneself, can be accessed.

The first weeks should be spent learning simple and effective meditation techniques that develop intuitive awareness. ESP ability requires diligent practice. Meditation helps the physical conscious mind connect with the higher or divine consciousness we all have inside ourselves. Through practice and dedication, this “bridging” between our physical and divine selves opens the doors to a new spiritual knowledge that has always existed, but one that we may not have been able to “tap” into.




