Developing Psychic Ability pt.3
Other practical ESP exercises for intermediates include:
Scanning: a couple of strangers must stand around 4 feet apart and face each other with their eyes closed. After taking a moment to relax and ground, visualize the other as a ball of light or pure energy. Scan the ball of light with the inner eye from top to bottom, or vice versa, and keep a note of words, images, colors, thoughts, or, even, sensations in own body that come up during the scanning. Later, meet up and describe how what the other experienced might fit in their lives at this time.
Predicting: As before, relax and ground yourself. Then project yourself into the next day, and write down three happenings for the day. See yourself through your plans for tomorrow. Write your “predictions” based on the information you received.
Online Tests: Work out online ESP tests in a quiet room. Try different tests at different times repeatedly.
Developing intuition raises IQ and helps you get more of what you want out of life. The techniques, elements, or methods that are considered useful to develop clairvoyance are many. The most sensationalized and most expensive is the stereotyped “crystal ball.” It is effective, as it allows the clairvoyant to relax the eyes and enter into a state of meditation. Less expensive, yet effective, techniques include a bowl filled with black ink or water with crystals at the bottom, tarot cards, runes, and other divination tools. The form of clairvoyance thus initiated is primarily seen within the mind.
After months of meditation, practice and experimentation, it will be found that psychic powers improve through experience. Keep a journal of the psychic experiences and results of online tests and exercises. The sheer act of writing it down will reinforce the conscious–unconscious connection. An increasing success rate will determine that chance and coincidence are no longer a factor. Reading books and practicing lessons from a manual are good ways to learn, but only through the execution of what you learn and the experiences you go through do you gain “wisdom.”
People who meditate on a regular basis report feeling the need to improve their attitudes or outlooks on life. This could be one of the positive results of bridging the conscious and subconscious spiritual minds together. All of this is important for maintaining a positive energy flow for psychic development. The more positive your attitude is, the easier it is to make a connection to the positive forces around you.
There are numerous forms of meditation, such as Yoga, Tai Chi, mantra, gazing, and freeform; these are the most common. No one way is better than another. What works for one person may not work for another, so it is best for people to choose the type of meditation with which they feel most comfortable.
It takes effort and a willingness to listen. It also takes years! Years of practice and understanding each experience as it happens will develop a strong and reliable psychic ability.
Improvise, experiment, and enjoy while doing all of this. The difficult road is the one where we try to will ourselves into greater awareness. The easy path is one where we allow ourselves to play, and to trust what we’re shown. Success is much easier to attain when relaxed. Disciplined use of the clairvoyant ability will send you on a voyage through vast oceans of perceptions, experiences, and opportunities that were previously nonexistent, or, at best, were mere shadows in your logical mind.
How Can We Increase Our Abilities in This Field?
Once convinced of the reality of the valuable and latent faculty of clairvoyance, the next step is to develop it.
There are many methods by which it may be developed, but only one of these can be safely recommended for general use. Some of the objectionable ways of inducing the clairvoyant state are: the use of intoxicating drugs or the inhaling of stupefying fumes; whirling in a mad frenzy of religious fervor until vertigo and insensibility supervene; and loathsome sacrifices and rites of black magic. These methods induce negative clairvoyance — merely a revival of the mirror-like function possessed by man in the far past, by which the outside world was involuntarily reflected in him. This power is intermittent and unreliable.
Yet, a large number of learning clairvoyants adopt some plan of self-hypnotization until a condition of semi-stupefaction is produced. However, these leave them in a passive condition, able to use higher senses but with little choice in how to employ them, and undefended against any evil influences encountered. Any power gained by these methods can, at best, be temporary.
All these methods are unequivocally condemned as unsafe for the practice of the layperson who is simply experimenting vaguely in an unknown world. Even the method of obtaining clairvoyance by regulating breath to Indian systems or allowing mesmerization by another is risky. The latter should never be attempted other than under conditions of absolute trust between the magnetizer and the magnetized, and a perfection of purity in mind and intention, such as seen among saints.
Experiments with the mesmeric trances are in vogue for it offers, among other things, a possibility of proof of clairvoyance to the skeptic. Curative mesmerism, which is an effort made to relieve pain, remove disease, or pour vitality through magnetic passes, without putting the patient into the trance state at all, stands on an entirely different footing. Even the untrained mesmerizer, if he himself is in good health and pure in intent, can cause no harm to the subject.
The ideal situation, however, would be not to attempt any kind of experimental investigation into the abnormal until having read carefully everything that has been written on the subject, or, better still, under the guidance of a qualified teacher.
There is no royal road to the acquisition of the knowledge of clairvoyance. Just as in the mists of antiquity, a person must venture onto the slow and toilsome path of self-development. The very first step is to make oneself all that one ought to be. The first and greatest necessity is to have utter purity of heart and soul. For that, purify the mental, the astral and the physical; cast aside pet vices and physical impurities; and cease to defile body with meat, alcohol or tobacco.
Until the aspirant has a holy and unselfish desire to help humanity, no progress can be made in the attainment of positive clairvoyance. True clairvoyant power begins in unselfish love. A moral life devoted to spiritual thought lived for a certain length of time is necessary to gain first-hand knowledge of the super-physical realms and to enable the birth of a helper of humanity.
The absolutely safe way of developing clairvoyance is to enter with all one’s energy upon the path of moral and mental evolution, at one stage of which this and other of the higher faculties will spontaneously begin to show. When the spiritual current is established, it sets the pituitary body in vibration. This vibration impinges upon, and slightly deflects, the nearest line of force which, in turn, impinges upon the line next to it, and so on, and the process continues until the force of the vibration has been spent.
When these lines of force have been deflected sufficiently to reach the pineal gland, the bridge between the World of Sense and the World of Desire is built, and man becomes clairvoyant and able to direct his or her gaze where he or she will.
Choose a certain time every day that can be relied on for quiet and no disturbance, preferably in the daytime. Get the physical senses out of the way for the present. The ways of doing this are vast, and broadly comprise of: methods by which they are forced out of the way by temporary violent suppression, and the other methods, much slower, but infinitely surer, by which we ourselves gain permanent control over them.