Developing Psychic Ability pt.1
How Can One Test One’s Personal Capacity for This Skill?
Every person on this planet has, at least once, experienced information and knowledge that he or she wouldn’t, or shouldn’t, normally know. Knowledge thus gained from a source outside the person’s intellect is distinct from learned knowledge and experience. This insight comes directly from the universal mind and from other people. If this feeling has never been experienced, it is because of inattention or unrecognition. Just like hearing, feeling, seeing, smelling, and tasting, everyone has it. It is our sixth sense.
Some signs of psychic ability:
1. Knowing who has called before attending the phone.
2. Knowing what is going to be said before the person speaks.
3. A sudden hunch that, later, is proven to be correct.
4. A sudden urge to go somewhere or do something and, when done, is later proved to be the best action. When you ignore it, you end up regretting not trusting your own “intuition.”
5. The ability to read an individual’s inner feelings even though, on the outside, they are hiding them.
7. The feeling that there is a presence helping you.
8. When you understand the higher purpose behind a situation you find yourself in.
9. Hearing a soft inner voice tipping you off about happenings in your own life or in the life of someone else.
Extrasensory perception describes a means of getting information from senses other than the five that everyone uses as their primary means. When people develop their ESP, they have increased their mind power by a quantum leap over other people. It enables them to send and receive information almost at will to influence things that are important to them.
Mind-reading, clairvoyance, and precognition are all perceived through mental telepathy. Mental telepathy makes possible the “knowing” of past, future, or current events, which is not supposed to be part of our knowledge. When someone demonstrates an ability to send and receive information that is not part of their ordinary senses, it is placed in the realm of “extra” — almost as though it was bizarre or abnormal, and not part of the human psyche or sense abilities. However, telepathic ability is available to all those willing to practice and learn how to increase this talent that is given to everyone at birth.
A person’s psychic, ESP, telepathic, or mediumship abilities can’t be judged by a single or a group of exercises. This ability develops through time and practice. Most of the world-renowned media, psychics, and other mentalists, when first tested, had dismal results. The difference now evident is due to training, exercises, and practice.
Another important factor is the mindset and attitude at the time of the test. Be certain of a good frame of mind when your start. A bad emotional state, tension, obligation, or depression are not situations in which you should test yourself for psychic ability. The test itself has no relationship to your other psychic or intuitive abilities.
Practicing exercises increases the mind’s ability to send and receive information, and will be an asset. Patience and persistence will gradually increase the perception of life. By developing the power of your mind, you will have gained MIND CONTROL.
Psychics and mediums use extrasensory perception to know secret and private information about another person’s life, and, so, are able to advise them. Some of them discovered at a young age itself that they had this ability, and some later. However, improving and cultivating it through patience, practice, and effort has lead to self-development.
The standard ESP Cards (sometimes called Zener Cards), used by the parapsychologist J.B. Rhine in his classic studies of Extrasensory Perception, show five different symbols.
Some of the many tests are as follows:
The telepathy test allows two people to act as “sender” and “receiver.”
The clairvoyance test allows one person to attempt to guess hidden cards that have been randomly selected.
The closed deck procedure simulates the shuffling of a deck and the drawing of cards one by one until all have been selected. In this procedure, there will always be an equal number of targets showing each symbol (e.g., a closed deck of 25 cards will have five of each symbol).
With the open deck procedure, a card is randomly selected from a full deck on every trial. This is similar to a procedure in which the full deck of cards is shuffled and a card selected, and then returned to the deck for another shuffling before the next card is selected. In this procedure, there will not necessarily be an equal number of each target symbol.
The feedback procedure (clairvoyance test) shows you each target card after you have made your guess, and keeps a running total of your hits. This, however, is not possible with a closed deck procedure. This is because it would allow the counting of cards already drawn, thereby improving the chances of guessing later cards. When using a telepathy test, the sender should call out the correct answers to the receiver after each guess has been made.
With the blind procedure (clairvoyance test), the target card will not be shown after each trial nor the result until the end of the run of cards. This procedure allows you to use either a closed or an open deck. When using a telepathy test, the sender should NOT give the receiver any feedback until all guesses have been made.
A standard run uses 25 cards. With only 25 cards, 10 hits (correct guesses) must be obtained to give a significant result showing possible evidence of ESP. To improve the reliability of results, select a run of at least 50 cards.
The lower the probability, the better. Conventionally, a probability of 0.05 (1 chance in 20) is taken as showing a significant result. This means that only 1 person in 20 would be expected to do this well. Probabilities of 0.01 (1 in 100), 0.001 (1 in 1000), or smaller offer stronger evidence of ESP.
The analysis also shows the score, taking into account possible target displacement. Some people claim that their guesses correctly match the next target selected (+1 effect) rather than the target selected for that trial. This may indicate evidence of precognition. If using the BLIND procedure, the score is also calculated by comparing guesses with the previous target (-1 effect). Obviously, this cannot be done for the FEEDBACK procedure, since the previous target is already known.
Each test covers a different aspect of mind control and telepathy. Done repeatedly and on a rotation basis, using different symbols at different times, this helps to keep the person being tested from getting bored. It is important to maintain enthusiasm and interest. When a person begins to get bored, his or her score often goes down. Remember that the important thing is not how good the score is, but the practice, which leads to telepathy and mind control.
The technique described is for a general evaluation of a person’s ability to guess cards with symbols on them through telepathy and ESP. This test is not clinical evidence, but a general indicator regarding one’s ability to guess cards in a deck. Any results learned here, whether great, dismal or average, do not have bearing on a person’s psychic abilities. Those talents and abilities are separate, and need to be measured or tested by themselves with other test procedures. The overall purpose is to develop your overall ability to focus, which leads to greater mind power and telepathy.
The difference between a psychic, an intuitive, and a medium is that a psychic is one who tunes to a higher source to get information thatcomes from outside the intellect. This information comes from the universal mind through ESP.
The intuitive knows things based upon an intellectual capacity that utilizes logic, personal experience, and learned knowledge to arrive at certain conclusions about the facts.
The medium has the highly developed senses of both, plus the added mental tuning to another realm of knowledge. The medium thus is able to connect with the world of deceased souls that are said to be dead, but who, actually, are in a different reality than those who exist in the physical world.