Crystal Lore
Crystals contain enormous amounts of energy. They give off vibrations and are used by many healers as a tool to intensify and direct healing energy. It is believed that crystals transmit energy when held in the right hand and receive energy when held in the left.
The use of crystals for meditation and healing stones goes back to ancient times. The early Egyptians used a giant quartz to cap the Great Pyramid of Cheops power while the Atlanteans used crystals to harness the suns energy.
When choosing a crystal hold it in your left hand and allow the vibrations to enter you.Choose the one that your intuition guides you to. I have found when buying a crystal for someone else that holding it in your left hand and thinking about the person works. When you have picked up the correct crystal you will feel it vibrate.
It is very important to cleanse and re-charge crystals when you first purchase them and then again every few months. Crystals absorb negative energies as well as emit positive so it is important to keep them cleansed. There are several ways to cleanse crystals, we will discuss the most common. The first method is to soak the crystal in a solution of cool water and sea salt (not table) for a few hours. We find this method works well if the crystal is not set in silver or pewter, otherwise we worry about the metal. The second method is to hold the crystal in your hand, sprinkle with the sea salt and then rinse with cool running water. The last method is to pass the crystal through the smoke of a burning candle (preferably white) or a Sage Smudge. Just remember which ever method you choose to be in a pleasant mood when cleansing the crystal or it will be counter productive. Another thing the salt and/or candle should be consecrated. You should cleanse and re-charge your crystals approximately every three months. When it comes to charging there are only two methods. The first is to set the stone in the sunlight for several hours, the second is moonlight. Some stones will fade if left in the sun.
Lately we have had people asking us the magical properties of some fairly new Crystals on the market, for example Ametrine, Ammolite and Aventurine. You may ask where did these Crystals come from all of a sudden....did they just poof into existence? Yes in a way. Until a few years ago man did not have the capability to quarry these stones. The veins were either just too deep or the depth of them was coupled with such extreme heat that mining was impossible. But thanks to technology (snicker) we now have them at our disposal.
The problem is this: Yes all Crystals will have metaphysical properties to them but if we only started to mine them a few years ago it is highly doubtful our Mystical ancestors had access to them. Therefore you will not find them listed in any of the old texts. (See list of 13 Old World Stones). In addition care must now be taken to insure what you are purchasing is natural and not man made. All Crystals start as nature it is the amount of pressure, heat, radiation and mineral/iron content that creates the color.
Colored and Heat treated crystals are now being created by man that are almost impossible to tell from the "real thing". I'm sorry to say that many a newbie to crystals are being tricked by the fakes. And a fake Ametrine does not hold the Magical properties of the true crystal. With Ametrine the trained eye can spot the "real" from the "fake".....a natural stone when held up to the light will show what appear to be little air bubbles trapped inside. They are actually trapped gas bubbles from when the stone was molten. A Fake when held up to the light will show a "clear" crystal inside which will be either crystalline or teardrop in shape. This is the seed crystal which the fake was grown.
There are many beautiful natural Crystals available today. Though our ancestors did not have access to them does not mean we should not utilize them. What becomes important is the color; crystals of the same color hue may hold similar magical properties.
Below are links to the most commonly used stones and their properties, the stones that prefer moonlight will be marked with an (*).
A-J | K-Z |