Lapis Lazuli - A powerful love drawing stone dedicated to the goddesses Aphrodite, Venus and Isis. Enhances psychic abilities and communication with ones higher self and spirit guides. Releases tension and anxiety, augments strength,vitality and virility. Aids in the opening of the chakras
Moonstone(*) - Also known as the "Hope Stone" and "Dream Stone" it is the sacred stone to the Triple Goddess-Diana, Selene and Hecate. As a stone of Magick it is used for astral projection, Goddess invocation and lunar rituals, meditation and healing spells. It increases psychic ability especially for those born under the sign of Cancer. As a healing stone it is used for cancer, insomnia, colds and to relieve anxiety and stress.
Onyx- A very mystical stone that absorbs and transforms negative energy without storing it as many do. It protects its wearer against misfortunes and danger. Stimulates the mind, balances male/female polarities and enhances self control. Very good stone for Capricorn or Aquarius as the controling planet for the stone and zodiac signs is Saturn. Considered a healing stone for bones, teeth,heart disease and ulcers.
Opal - In ancient Rome and Greece this stone was used for prophecy. However in Europe this stone was considered a bringer of bad luck,misery and death. In the Americas the stone is considered unlucky if not your birthstone. I owned one it is not my birthstone within weeks of wearing life fell apart. When worn by a Libran the stone increases luck, sharpens the memory, balances the psyche and increases clairvoyant abilities. Is reputed to aid eye sight and stimulate pineal and pituitary glands.
Quartz crystal (clear) - This stone will enhance the properties of blood, body and mind. It is an emotional balancer, amplifies thought forms and stimulates brain function. A stone with full spectrum energy which activates all levels of consciousness. Dispels negative energy in ones personal field and enviroment. Receives,activates, stores and amplifies energies, enhances interdimensional communication and communication with spirit guides.
Rose quartz(*) - Aids in the development of forgiveness, compassion and love. Reduces stress and tension, cools tempers and enhances self-confidence and creativity. It clears stored anger, resentment, guilt, fear and jealousy. Aids kidneys and circulatory system. Increases fertility, eases sexual and emotional inbalances.
Ruby - In the Middle Ages priests wore this stone as it was believed to be a strong protector of chastity. For those born under the sign of Leo it will bring peace of mind and prevent evil and unpure thoughts. It is the stone of courage and loyalty, integrity, leadership and spiritual devotion. As a healing stone it is reputed to aid in the treatment of anemia, blood poisoning, cancer, depression and strengthen immunity.
Sapphire(*) - This stone symbolizes harmony and peace, and is wonderful for meditation. When worn as an amulet it will protect its wearer against psychic attack, misfortune and violence. Aids connection with higher self and expands cosmic awareness. As a healing stone it is used to treat Alzheimers, burns, fevers, infections, sore throat and ulcers. Strengthens heart and kidneys.
Topaz (gold) - This is an energizing stone that stimulates the intellect and dispels negativity. Topaz has been used as a divining rod to find underground water and as an amulet protects the wearer against injury and attack. Enhances psychic perception and inspires. For healing topaz is used for tissue regeneration, strengthens liver, spleen and nervous system.
Turquoise - This is considered a mystical gemstone by many cultures. The Navahoes called it the "Sky Stone", it is the traditional wedding stone in Russia in the Orient it is aprotective stone for riders and horses and in Arabia it is used for meditation. It is believed if worn on a Wednesday it will ward off negative and attract good luck. Turquoise changes color to warn of impending bad health. For healing it is used for asthma, burns, lung disease, migraines, tension and trauma.