What Could Be the Scientific Explanation of This Skill ?
In clairvoyance we “see” with what is commonly called the “third eye.” A gland called the pineal gland, located in the back area of the brain, resembles an eye. Originally the size of a ping pong ball, its present size is comparable to a pea. Medical science knows little about this gland and calls it “the atrophied third eye.” In some respects, it is literally an eyeball. It is round and has an opening on one portion. In that opening is a lens for focusing light. It looks upward. It is hollow and it has color receptors.
Like our eyes that can look up to 90 degrees away from the direction they are set, the pineal gland can also “look” as much as 90 degrees away from its set direction (up). Also, just as we cannot look out the back of our heads, the pineal gland cannot look down.
Even in its shrunken size, the pineal gland has all the geometries and understandings of exactly how reality was created. Most of us lost our memories during the fall. Without our memories, we started to breathe differently. Pranic energy, which used to flow right through the center of the pineal gland and circulate up and down our central tube, now changed route, and we started breathing through the nose and mouth. As our breathing patterns changed, the prana bypassed the pineal gland and we gradually forgot how to use it. This resulted in its degeneration and our seeing things in a totally different way, through a different interpretation of the reality called polarity consciousness. The result of this polarity consciousness has us thinking that we’re inside a body looking out, somehow separated from what’s out there.
Nature retains nothing useless. Yet, in the brain are two small organs called the pituitary body and the pineal gland neither of which are atrophying. This is very perplexing to scientists. All over the body, we find organs which are either atrophying or developing. The pituitary body and the pineal gland belong to still another class of organs, however, which are neither evolving nor degenerating, but are dormant.
In the far past, when man was in touch with the inner worlds, these organs were his means of ingress thereto, and they will again serve that purpose at a later stage. They were connected with the involuntary or sympathetic nervous system. Pictures presented themselves to man quite independently of his will.
At present, to regain contact with the inner worlds, it is necessary to establish the connection of the pineal gland and the pituitary body with the cerebrospinal nervous system, and to reawaken the pituitary body and the pineal gland. When that is accomplished, man will again possess the faculty of perception in the higher worlds, but on a grander scale than it was in the distant past because it will be in connection with the voluntary nervous system and therefore under the control of his will. Through this inner perceptive faculty, all avenues of knowledge will be opened to him and he or she will have at his or her service a means of acquiring information compared with which all other methods of investigation are but child’s play.
The awakening of these organs can be accomplished by esoteric training. In majority, the greater part of the sex force is expended through the creative organs for sense-gratification. When the aspirant to the higher life curbs these excesses and devotes his or her attention to spiritual thoughts, the unused sex force commences to ascend in stronger volume, traversing the heart, larynx, and the spinal cord, passing directly between the pituitary body and the pineal gland toward the point at the root of the nose where the Spirit has its seat.
However, no matter how great, this current must be cultivated before esoteric training can begin. Not merely a necessary accompaniment, it is a prerequisite to self-conscious work in the inner worlds. When the candidate has lived a moral life devoted to spiritual thought for a time sufficient to establish the current of spiritual force, and is found worthy to receive esoteric instruction, certain exercises set the pituitary body in vibration. This vibration causes the pituitary body to impinge upon and the nearest line of force which, in turn, impinges upon the next line to it, and so the process continues until the force of the vibration has been spent.
When these lines of force have been deflected sufficiently to reach the pineal gland, the gap between the two organs has been bridged. This is the bridge between the World of Sense and the World of Desire. From the time it is built, man becomes clairvoyant and able to direct his or her gaze where he or she will. Solid objects are seen both inside and out. Space and solidity, as hindrances to observation, have ceased to exist. Yet, different human beings vary in capacity of response to the very few vibrations which are within reach of our physical senses. It is not a question of strength of vision or hearing, but of extent of susceptibility.
If, with the means of a prism, a clear spectrum is thrown on a sheet of white paper, and a number of people mark upon the paper the extreme limits of the spectrum as it appears to them, it is fairly certain that their powers of vision are found to differ appreciably. Some will see the violet extending much farther than the majority does; others will perhaps see rather less violet than most, while gaining a corresponding extension of vision at the red end. Some few there will perhaps be who can see farther than ordinary at both ends, and these will almost certainly be what we call sensitive people — susceptible, in fact, to a great range of vibrations than are most men of the present day.
In hearing, the same difference can be tested by taking some sound which is just not too high to be audible — on the very verge of audibility as it were — and discovering how many among a given number of people are able to hear it. These examples clearly show that there is no hard-and-fast limit to man’s power of response to etheric vibrations, but that some among us already have that power to a wider extent than others; and it will even be found that the same man’s capacity varies on different occasions.
It is not difficult for us to imagine that it might be possible for a man to develop this power, and thus in time to learn to see much that is invisible to his fellow-men, and hear much that is inaudible to them, since we know perfectly well that enormous numbers of these additional vibrations do exist, and are simply, as it were, awaiting recognition.
Why Should Certain People Be More Sensitive Than Others?
During the epochs of our Earth’s history, all were naturally psychic. The pituitary body and the pineal gland, two organs presently dormant in most people were, eons ago, connected with the involuntary nervous system and invested man with involuntary clairvoyance. It was the looseness of the connection between the vital body and the dense body that made them clairvoyant.
Since those times, the vital body has become much more firmly interwoven with the dense body in the majority of people, but in all sensitives it is loose. A lax connection between vital and dense bodies induces sensitivity to spiritual vibrations. That looseness constitutes the difference between the clairvoyant and the ordinary person who is unconscious of all but the vibrations contacted by means of the five senses.
All human beings have to pass through this period of close connection of the vehicles and experience the consequent limitation of consciousness. They are the instruments with which voluntary clairvoyance, under control of the cerebrospinal nervous system, will be attained as man progresses spiritually. The man who consciously evolves his spiritual faculties controls the vibration of these organs by will, and the power to “see” in the other worlds is constant, to be used at his discretion.
As far as the growth of so-called extra-sensory faculties is concerned, humanity is divided into two general categories. Among the members of one category (the “ordinary” people engaged in material pursuits and by and large out of touch with the spiritual worlds), the connection between dense and vital bodies is close.
In the other category, that of the so-called “sensitives,” the connection between the two vehicles is loose. These “sensitives,” in turn, are also divided into two classes: voluntary clairvoyants, positive and actuated by their own wills; and involuntary clairvoyants, negative and amenable to the will of others.
Being highly sensitive comes with a number of gifts, as well as challenges. Sensitive souls are deeply affected by all aspects of life. They have great emotional passion, intensity, and depth, and are easily affected by the energy and emotions of others.
They have heightened perceptive skills and are intuitive, highly aware, and keenly observant of the subtleties of environment, including energy, light, noise, smell, texture, and temperature. Their perceptive skills operate in the physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual realms. When they co-relate things seen in complex and original concepts, they become visionaries. A sensitive soul is a person of deep empathy and high intensity, with powerful intuition, awareness, and intelligence. They have a uniquely perceptive sensory system and are more sensitive to emotions, energy, environmental conditions such as lighting or sound, other people, excitement, and stress. As a result of these constant stimuli, they get easily overwhelmed or unable to cope.
Being a “Sensitive” is both a gift and a responsibility. Sensitive Souls require supportive relationships and help to tune into their own magnificent inner guidance system for a powerful means of support. Connecting with like-minded souls is often deeply healing for sensitive persons.
There are, therefore, two classes of “Sensitive”: those who have not become firmly enmeshed in matter and those who are in the vanguard of evolution. The latter are emerging from the acme of materiality and are again divisible into two kinds: voluntary and involuntary.
When the connection between the vital body and the dense body of a man or woman is somewhat lax, the individual will be sensitive to spiritual vibrations and, if positive, he or she will, BY HIS OR HER OWN WILL, develop his or her spiritual faculties, live a spiritual life, and, in time, receive the teaching necessary to become a trained clairvoyant and a master of his or her faculty at any and all times, free to exercise it or not, as he or she pleases.
If a person has this slight laxity between the vital and dense bodies, and is of a negative temperament, he or she is likely to become the prey of discarnate Spirits, as a medium. Ultimately, perhaps, we might not only come to recognize the immanence of the divine in nature, but also to see it clearly in ourselves.
The voluntary clairvoyant develops his sensitivity, and learns to control his extrasensory abilities, as a result of exercising his will in living a pure, spiritual life and devoting himself to selfless service to others. When the connection between the vital and dense bodies has become so lax that part of the vital body may be withdrawn, the positive clairvoyant may become a conscious Invisible Helper. He or she can then function consciously in the Spiritual World and bring back a recollection of everything he or she has done there, so that, for instance, when he or she leaves his or her body at night, he or she takes up the life in the Invisible Worlds in a fully conscious manner as we do here when we wake up in the morning after sleep and perform our worldly duties.
The case of the negative clairvoyant is entirely different. Because of the loose connection between physical and vital bodies, it is sensitive to spiritual vibrations. Since he is of a negative temperament, and retrogression is more readily accomplished than progression, he does not submit this sensitivity to his own domination. Inasmuch as the negative faculty is exercised by means of the involuntary nervous system, it is not under the control of the will and is, thus, sporadic in nature.
The involuntary clairvoyant has no control over what he sees or experiences in the other worlds. He is aware only of what happens before him, and cannot use his power for investigative purposes.
When a person has this lax connection between the vital and the dense body and is of a negative temperament, he becomes a trance or materializing medium, and, when this happens, it can truly be said that his life is no longer his own. It is extremely harmful to any individual to permit himself to become so negative that his or her vehicles and faculties can be taken over by a discarnate entity, which is what occurs when a medium is “working.” The entity can exert his or her control over the individual to the point where the individual can no longer exercise choice in any manner, but must live only as the entity wishes him or her to live. This control can continue in the individual’s life after death, when his or her desired body can be appropriated by the entity. It is extremely difficult to break away from the entity once this has happened.
Although both positive and negative clairvoyance exist, it is only with positive clairvoyance that an individual can accurately see and investigate the inner worlds and advance himself along the evolutionary path. Negative clairvoyance cannot be counted upon as a reliable tool of investigation; it often brings about the highly undesirable situation of personal control from an outside source, and can cause evolutionary regression of the individual concerned.
Negative clairvoyance is, so to speak, more or less thrust upon a person. He has done nothing on his own initiative to generate the ability to perceive in the other worlds and does not, at least initially, set out purposely to do so. Some psychics, in fact, have publicly expressed the wish that they could cease to encounter the — to them — disturbing and distracting phenomena which sporadically intrude upon their consciousness.
Positive clairvoyance, on the other hand, is achieved solely after determined effort and persistence, both in living the spiritual life of purity and service and in performing the requisite exercises. Once achieved, it remains a permanent asset which the Ego retains in subsequent lifetimes — at least, as long as he continues to conduct himself as an aspirant should. Negative clairvoyance, however, is a temporary attribute, not secured from one lifetime to another. Thus, although it is much more difficult to develop positive clairvoyance, this becomes, once attained, an enduring power of inestimable present and potential value to the Ego.
To evolve voluntary clairvoyance is an arduous task; few, therefore, possess this faculty. Negative clairvoyance, unfortunately, has been developed by many who have no idea of the potential dangers to which they are exposing themselves.
Surely, if the trend of evolution, for an individual and for humanity as a whole, has to be developed, we should strive to develop every constructive faculty we have in potential, including, particularly, the superphysical ones. It is wise, however, to cultivate them along the lines most beneficial to powers of service to God and man. Trained clairvoyance, on the other hand, is a highly effective instrument of investigation and scientific study. Many spiritual Truths will be revealed through the use of this faculty once it has become commonplace among mankind, as it is destined to be. Clairvoyance has the potential to free people from spiritual blindness so that we are no longer condemned to repeat past mistakes, miss new opportunities, or fall prey to seductive yet perilous illusions.