What Kinds of Supports Are Used in Clairvoyance?
Please Explain Crystal Balls and Tarot Cards?
Clairvoyants use supports to help to direct their intuition, to clear up their vision, and to concentrate mainly. The support becomes the instrument chosen by the practitioner. In many cases, the support takes the place of the consultant by playing the role of catalyst. It activates and maintains the received messages.
Immediate supports may include a photograph, a personal object, and/or the body (lines of the hand for palmistry). The consultant in the case of direct clairvoyance can be considered as being the support. They produce effects of clairvoyance by leaning only on what is in direct rapport with the person for whom one works.
The directive supports can be crystal balls, mirrors, water, and/or fire. They provide the line to follow during the clairvoyance séance.
Suggestive supports are tarots (tarologie), the cards (fortune-telling), wax or ink stains, hairpins, the book (bibliomancy), the coffee mark, the egg, and the dream (oniromancie). They arouse ideas by the sense of the symbols and ask for an interpretation. Calculable supports include astrology, numerology, geomancy, and the I-Ching. They determine the clairvoyance by calculation and evaluation.
Supports communicators can be dowsing, spiritualism, and typology. They allow connections, exchanges, and even messages.
Crystal balls help develop Spiritual Sight. They can be used to gaze into the future or peer into the past to seek the answers to some of life’s perplexing problems. Scrying, or crystal gazing, helps to unfold your natural soul ability of clairvoyance by encouraging psychic activity in your “Third-Eye” your 6th
Chakra (or soul-energy centre) located in the forehead of your spiritual self. For thousands of years, seers have used a perfectly formed glass sphere or rock crystal ball to reflect their powerful clairvoyant visions.
Crystal Ball: The traditional choice for many experienced scryers, a crystal ball is often used as the centerpiece for an altar. Historically, the reflective surface of a crystal ball, mirror, or a pool of dark water has been used to enable the seeker to discern images that are thought to be responsive to a question or to a given circumstance.
The use of crystal balls by most media often helps them to gain more access to their clairvoyant ability. This activity of looking into the crystal ball and gaining more access is known as scrying.
When we think of the term crystal ball gazing, we may think of a gypsy lady, with long, painted fingernails gazing into the crystal ball and telling us information about our future. Looking into the depths of a crystal ball has been known to be able to leave the mind open to visions from the supernatural world.
Some modern psychics today use the crystal ball to aid them in their meditations as well as a tool to see the future. Visions often appear within the crystal ball. These visions may be seen as moving images or still photographs.
It is also claimed that the act of staring into a crystal ball aids the relaxation of the mind, which would give access to the natural psychic powers of the medium.
In everyday practice, the ball is used as a psychic link between the reader and the sitter, and the images that appear are in the subconscious mind of the clairvoyant.
Tarot cards: According to Grillot de Givry, the tarot is one of the most wonderful human inventions. Despite all the outcries of philosophers, this pack of pictures, in which destiny is reflected as in a mirror with multiple facets, remains vital and exercises an irresistible attraction on imaginative minds. Critics who speak in the name of an exact but uninteresting logic never succeed in abolishing its employment.
The Tarot is a deck of cards that originated over 500 years ago in northern Italy. Although the Tarot was first used in a game called Triumphs, it was quickly adopted as a tool for divination, and popularized by occult societies such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The early tarot symbolism was deeply rooted in Medieval and Renaissance Europe. Over the centuries, it has grown to incorporate everything from Astrology and Kabala to Runes (which predate the Tarot by 1000 years) and the I-Ching (which predates the Tarot by 2500 years). Today, the Tarot is one of the most popular tools for spiritual introspection in the West. The cards are popular among occultists and New Agers in all walks of life.
The traditional tarot deck consists of two sets of cards. The first set consists of 22 pictures (the major arcana), such as the Fool, the Devil, Temperance, the Hermit, the Sun, the Lovers, the Hanged Man, and Death. The other set (the minor arcana) has 56 cards with kings (or lords), queens (or ladies), knights, and knaves (pages or servants) of sticks (or wands, cudgels, or batons), swords, cups, and coins.
Tarot cards are usually read by a fortune-teller, though in the modern times, anyone can buy a deck with instructions on how to discover your real self and actualize your true potential.
There is a romantic irresistibility to the idea of shuffling the cards and casting one’s fate, to having one’s life laid out and explained by strangers who have the gift of clairvoyance, to gamble on the future, and so on. Centuries of scientific advancement and learning have not diminished the popularity of occult guidance systems like the tarot, Ouija boards, astrology, the I-Ching, palmistry, iridology, reflexology, ink blots, graphology, anagrams, crystal balls, tea leaves, and the like.
Generally, the readings use either the 78-card Tarot pack or the 52 traditional playing cards. In either case, each of the cards has a range of meanings and associated symbols, and the way the cards appear in the layout set clairvoyant images racing through the reader’s mind. Although there are some basic principles involved, in practice each reader will have his own methods and understanding of the cards. Take one Tarot card round to six different Tarot readers and you’ll probably get different answers as to its meaning. This type of card reading is actually very effective as it allows for a great deal of flexibility.
The word clairvoyance means “clear-seeing”; but this is exactly what it is not. There are, as said, many grades of astral substance, each of which is familiar to a certain type of “seer,” but as a rule it is the lower regions of the astral light that the clairvoyant contacts, a realm where all is a welter of confusion. Even here, their vision is limited; they see only into one or more subplanes, and their pictures are therefore partial and scrappy. Supports help provide them with clearer vision. The capacity of clairvoyance lies latent in everyone, and those in whom it already manifests itself are simply, in that respect, a little in advance of the rest of us.