Candle Magick
Witches and Magicians have used candles as tools for spellcasting, divination, meditation and as a way to communicate with the dead for eons. Creating light in the midst of darkness is what lies behind the use of candles in ritual magick. The dancing flame of the candle gives off mystical powers. The candle is a symbol of humanity: The wax is the physical body; the wick is the mind, and flame corresponds to the spirit/soul.
Some feel the color of candle is very important to the ritual, as each color sends off its own vibration and attracts its own power. The shape of the candle may play a part also. For example a candle in the shape of the crescent moon or one decorated with lunar symbols are said to add an extra power to moon-magick and Goddess rituals. Candle-scrying/divination has been used by gypsies and witches long before candles even became popular in the Middle Ages. Candles are used by many religions in their separate rituals....the Catholics seem fond of rituals involving candles...the point that I'm trying to make here is such things are not unique to Witches/Pagans.
Whether you choose to make your own candles or buy them you may want to carve symbols on them to enhance their powers. The most commonly used are the following:
Pentacle- a five pointed star surrounded by a circle. This is the symbol of the earths elements- fire,water,air and earth including the Spirit. When the single point is facing up it is a symbol of humanity's spiritual quest only when facing down is it used for the Dark Arts.
Lunar symbols- especially the Crescent moon are used for those invocations involving the Goddess.
Ankh- an ancient Egyptian symbol it represents life and Cosmic Knowledge..used in rituals pertaining to health and divination.
Eye of Horus- yet another Egyptian symbol, this one is used to symbolize spiritual protection, the solar and lunar energies and in rituals for clairvoyance.
Triangle- symbol of the Triple Goddess also the powerful number three.
Swastika- long before the Nazi's got ahold of this symbol it was used by many cultures as a sign of good luck and protection.
As well as those mentioned above there are many other symbols that can be used. The male/female fertility signs, zodiac, crosses, circles, numbers and planetary symbols.
It occured to me when creating the Candle Color page that I must make a statement here. These rituals are not something to take lightly or to enter into as something cool to try. For many years I never considered doing a "Ritual" then during a specifically negative time I decided it was worth a try, gee guess what it worked. Never since have I performed a Ritual that was specifically intended for myself I feel that this is a wrong use for such things. Also remember though I have included the specific colors for what I consider negative rituals I will not supply the rituals. If you should choose to "hex" someone, take heed the deed will come back to you three fold.