The second edition of The Pocket Macquarie Dictionary defines ASTROLOGY as a study which accepts, and claims to explain, the influence of the heavenly bodies on human affairs.
Astrology is the study of planetary patterns in our solar system as they correlate to human events. The professional attitude of Astrologers is that "the stars impel, but do not compel". In other words we see the parallels between astrological phenomena and human lives, but no where is it written that we must be influenced by the planets or are destined to react in certain ways. While you usually have freedom of choice or free will, the horoscope does reflect natural inclinations that you have to live with, lessons you have to learn, issues to be faced, and problems to be solved. It may be thought of as merely an abstract formula showing the energies that you've been given. The use that you make of these energies, or opportunities, if you will, depends upon you, the individual. Astrology is best explained as a syncronicity between the celestial bodies and our own bodies. The old definition of Astrology being the effect of planets on our lives is dated, and incorrect.
Astrology is the study of the planets and their influences in our lives. It is the handbook of an individual’s life path, showing the past, present and future. The handbook provides a look at the available options and directions. An Astrological chart allows us to discover hidden talents and abilities. Astrology is the study of energy patterns and exchanges. The planets remain in their orbits in the solar system by way of the influence they exert upon each other. These influences, whether gravitational, magnetic, or electrical are all some type of energy.
There now exists 88 recognized groups of stars or constellations. GALAXIES are groupings of stars, held together by the attraction of their own gravity. A galaxy may have hundreds of millions to hundreds of billions of stars. The human body is said to have 6 trillion 'ENERGY' based reactions per second. In this way, the study of the outer cosmos (the MACROCOSM) can give us a peek into our inner workings (the MICROCOSM) of our self.