The Planets
Just as the Sun is the heart and the center of our Solar System, in Astrology, the Sun symbolizes the heart and the center of the birth chart. The Sun represents our ego, our will, our conscious nature, and our sense of purpose.The Sun is masculine, and relates to fatherhood, and our attitudes towards father figures. The Sunchild wants to be a Hero. The Sun wants to create, and needs to be recognized and to express them self. The Sun rules the sign of Leo. The Sun is the ruler of Sunday; this is the day to perform rituals involving exorcism, healing and prosperity. Candle Colors: Orange, White and Yellow. Incense: Franinsence, Patchouli, juniper, chamomile and Lemon. Stones: Amber, Bloodstone and Ruby. |
The Moon represents our unconscious, our emotions, our feelings.The Moon is the ultimate symbol of the feminine in all of its aspects. The Moon represents our memory, our past, our heredity and our subconscious.The Moonchild wants to feel inner support and nurturing, and to be comforted.The Moon rules the sign of Cancer. The Moon is the ruler of Monday; this is the day to preform rituals involving animals, female fertility, messages and reconciliations. Candle Colors: Silver, White and Gray. Incense: Honeysuckle, Willow and Wormwood. Stones: Moonstone and Quartz Crystal. |
Mars was the Roman God of War, and the planet Mars is the warrior in the horoscope. Mars represents our ability to act based on our desires. Mars is our ability to defend who we are in the face of pressures to change. Mars is our will to survive. Where Venus emphasizes what things have in common, Mars emphasizes individuality and differences. Mars rules our instinctive survival emotions: fear, panic, anger, and the "fight or flight" instinct. Mars wants to act on its desires and to assert itself as an individual. Mars needs to survive and to challenge. Mars rules the signs of Aries and Scorpio. Mars is the ruler of Tuesday; this is the day to preform rituals involving courage, physical strength and the breaking of negative spells. Candle Colors: Red and Orange. Incense: Dragonsblood and Patchouly. Stones: Topaz, Diamond and Coral. |
Mercury was the Messenger of the Gods, renound for his speed and dexterity. The planet Mercury has the same function in Astrology. Mercury represents our intellectual and communicative processes. Mercury governs how we think, speak, write, perceive and learn. Mercury wants to express perception and intelligence through skill. Mercury represents transportation, movement, dexterity, thought, movement, language and ambiguity (Mercury is the only truly androgynous planet - it is neither Masculine nor Feminine). Mercury rules the signs of Gemini and Virgo. Mercury is the ruler of Wednesday; this is the day to preform rituals involving communication, divination, writing and knowledge. Candle Colors: Yellow, Gray and Violet. Incense: Jasmine and Lavender. Stones: Agate and Sapphire. |
Jupiter represents our needs and desires to grow, to expand, and to feel a part of something larger than ourselves. This need stems from the memory of the feeling of wholeness that we experienced before birth, and the loss of this connection when we took on human form. Jupiter seeks to expand and to incorporate things and experiences into the self. In this way, Jupiter relates to higher education, cross cultural experiences, religion, spirituality and travel. Jupiter needs faith, trust and confidence. Jupiter rules the signs of Pisces and Sagittarius. Jupiter is the ruler of Thursday; this is the day to preform rituals involving luck, health, male fertility and wealth. Candle Colors: Blue, Purple and Indigo. Incense: Cinnamon, Nutmeg and Sage. Stones: Lapis Lazulli, Aquamarine. |
Venus, the Goddess of Love and Beauty rules the force that brings and keeps things together through natural affinity. Like attracts like, and we call this force love or for the less romantically inclined, cohesion. Venus wants to form relationships of harmony, beauty, love, balance, and value. Venus also represents our ability to love, and how we want to be loved. As far as Venus is concerned, the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. Venus rules the signs of Taurus and Libra. venus is the ruler of friday; this is the day to preform rituals involving love, romance, sex, marriage and partenerships. Candle Colors: Pink, Green and Aqua. Incense: Sandlewood, Rose, Saffron and Vanilla. Stones: Opal, Jade, Carnelian and Emerald. |
Saturn represents limitations, restrictions, contraction, authority and the illusion of structure. Saturn represents the teacher, and is considered the "Lord of Karma." Saturn also provides the structure and limitations that help us to define ourselves and our view of reality.Saturn represents our "normal reality." Saturn represents the illusion that there is a reality that is truth;Yes, Saturn restricts growth; Saturn stops Jupiter from jumping too high. But Saturn also provides the foundation that allows Jupiter to jump in the first place. Saturn defines the world by exclusion; things are defined meaningfully as much by what they are not as by what they are. Saturn is Karma, the laws of cause and effect. Saturn teaches us that we must work for what we want, and also that we will get only and exactly what we deserve. Saturn rules the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius. Saturn is the ruler of Saturday; this is the day to preform rituals involving spirit communication, meditation and psychic attack/defense. Candle Colors: Black, Gray and Indigo. Incense: Myrrh, Musk and Patchouly. Stones: Amethyst, Quartz Crystal, Garnet, Obsidian and Onyx. |
Neptune represents the infinite, the unseen ocean of energy that fills the universe. Neptune is the antithesis of Saturn, dissolving all forms and structures and transcending all limitations. Neptune confuses ordinary reality by introducing alternate realities. Neptune teaches us that we can't be attached to the ego because it isn't real. Neptune represents spirituality, mysticism, illusion, glamor, imagination and fantasy. Neptune dissolves boundaries and structures and brings out the connection of all things to the universe. Neptune is a difficult planet to work with. On the one hand, Neptune can represent highly artistic creativity, and a pure spiritual connection. On the other hand, if we are not very comfortable with Saturn, for example, Neptune can represent an escape from reality into fantasy, and therefore is related to drug and alcohol abuse. Neptune also co-rules the sign of Pisces. Candle Colors: Purple and Blue. Incense: Clove, Sage, Nutmeg. Stones:Aquamarine and Lapis Lazuli. |
Pluto was the God of the Underworld. The planet Pluto is closely associated with the cycles of death and rebirth; also with power and control. Pluto governs the cycles where we have to die in order to continue to grow. Pluto represents absolute power and the feeling or illusion of control. Pluto destroys normal reality and forces us to deal with an alternate reality and build a new sense of how it works. Where Pluto is in our chart is where we feel a need to control because it is where we will never have control. Pluto's need is to let go, to let something die, and to work to hasten the birth of the new. Pluto's urge is to fulfill cosmic purpose and to change and evolve. Pluto also co-rules the sign of Scorpio. Candle Colors: Dark Red, Brown, Black, Grey, Purple. Incense: Pine, Rosemary, Dogwood, Nettles, Wormwood, Basil, Vanilla, Cypress, Mandrake. Stones: Topaz, Ruby, Jet, Garnet, Bloodstone, Aventurine |
Uranus is the opposite of Saturn, making sure that there is never too much order in the world. Uranus is unexpected, sudden and completely disruptive, and can be either accidents or miracles.Where Saturn represents our "normal reality."The function of Uranus is to disrupt our view of reality, to make a crack in the structure and limits of Saturn and give us a glimpse of understanding that there is something beyond the known and the visible. Uranus makes sure that there is never too much order in the world. Uranus provides sudden flashes of insight and creative genius as well as sudden disaster and disruption. In order for us to be comfortable with the energy of Uranus, we have to be comfortable with Saturn. Uranus represents the first step in the process of spiritual awakening. Uranus is the way our higher self wants to be known to us in this lifetime. Uranus wants to change structure without regard to individual experiences or emotions. Uranus also co-rules the sign of Aquarius. Candle Colors: Blue, Yellow. Incense: Foxglove, Valerian, Clove, Rosemary. Stones: Amethyst and Quartz Crystal. |