


Balsam Fir- helps breathing, great antiseptic and deodorizer. USE: diffuser, fragrances and cleaning supplies.

Basil- relieves Asthma, mental fatigue, migraines, depression and nervous tension. USE: in tea for flavoring,inhalation, diffuser and massage oil.

Bergamot- use for eczema, acne, bronchitis, ulcers and varicose veins. Can be used to relax and as an Antidepressant. USE: in tea for flavoring, bath, douche, diffuser and massage oil.

Black Pepper- relieves colds,toothaches, constipation, loss of appetite, nausea and strengthens brain. USE: seasoning and flavoring in tea.

Cajeput- use for acne, eczema, bronchitis, detoxifier, muscle pains, nervous tension and as an antiseptic. USE: drops for flavoring, bath, compress, facial wash and massage oil.

Camphor- relieves lung congestion, sinus headaches, muscle spasms, asthma and improves mental clarity. USE: baths, inhalation,compresses and massage oils.

Chamomile- relieves anxiety, inflammations, menopause, fevers and migraines. Used to relieve insomnia and stress. Also good in lotions for burns. USE: tea, bath, facial compresses, lotions and massage oils.

Cinnamon- relieves colds,toothaches, is a great pain reliever, strengthens heart and circulatory system. Also used as a n aphrodisiac. USE: flavoring, few drops as mouthwash.

Cedar Wood- relieves acne, bronchitis, eczema, bladder infections, also an aphrodisiac. USE: bath, tea, facial wash and inhalation.

Citronella- Mosquito and flea repellent. Also used for headaches and migraines. USE: body oil applied to skin or pets fur, candles.

Clary Sage- use for depression, boils, throat infections, ulcers, also a female hormone balancer. USE: bath, deodorant, massage oil and diffuser.

Cypress- great antiseptic, relieves asthma, cancer, influenza, liver problems, varicose veins and menopausal problems. USE: bath, inhalation, massage oils and teas.

Eucalyptus- Asthma, fevers, sore throats, sinuses, diabetes, migraines, rheumatism. Great antiseptic and deodorizer. USE: bath, inhalation, massage oils and teas.

Fennel- Antiseptic, laxative, colic, gout, nausea, increases milk production for nursing mothers. Helps hangovers. USE: compress, drops for seasoning, massage oils, tea.

Frankincense- relieves anxiety, clears lungs, asthma. Relieves colds and coughs. USE: inhalation and face wash.

Geranium- relieves burns, depression, dermatitis,eczema, ringworm. Good antiseptic, used as a relaxant and sedative. Balances moods, harmonizer. USE: bath, diffuser and massage oil.

Ginger- helps digestive disorders, colds, obesity, migraines and colds. USE: bath, diffuser, compresses, tea and massage oil.

Grapefruit- used to energize and promote digestion. Manage stress, manic depression and water retention. USE: facial toner, diffuser and as a juice or added to water.

Jasmine- use for post-natal depression, relieves anxiety. Relieves cough and respiratory problems. USE: bath, diffuser and massage oil.

Juniper Berry- use for acne, eczema, diuretic, diabetes, urinary tract infections. Refreshing and stimulating, great antiseptic. USE: bath, compresses, diffuser and massage oil.