Lavender- one of the most commonly used and best liked oils. Calms and relaxes, antidepressant, sedative. Helps insomnia, headaches, asthma, headaches, acne and burns. Also sprinkled on a cloth and put in with wool sweaters it will keep moths away..or if used in a diffuser will ward off fleas and other little bugs. USE: bath, diffuser, massage and body oils.
Lemon- use to refresh and invigorate. Aids digestion, headaches, insect bites and weight control. USE: bath, diffuser, tea, massage and body oils.
Lime- good antiseptic and antibacterial. Used to reduce anxiety and depression, fevers, rheumatic pain and chest congestion. USE: inhaled..add to water, cleaning supplies.
Marjoram- used for arthritis, asthma, colds, constipation, headaches, insomnia. Also has a great calming effect for hypertension. USE: bath, diffuser, a few drops on pillow, facial lotion and massage oil.
Myrrh- relieves Bronchitis, mouth and gum diseases. USE: unguents, lotions, diffuser and massage oils.
Neroli- use for heart palpitations, depression and diarrhea. I find this oil to be very calming. USE: bath, diffuser, massage and body oils.
Nutmeg- relieves aches and pains. Used for fainting, nausea, diarrhea and indigestion. USE: seasoning, diffuser and massage oil.
Orange- this oil is a mild sedative, relieves insomnia, aids digestion. Is a cell stimulant, helps wrinkles and dermatitis. USE: bath, diffuser, flavoring, facial lotion and massage oil.
Palmarosa- used for its antiseptic and cell stimulation properties. Aids acne, dry skin, infections, eczema, also as a kidney stimulant and aphrodisiac. USE: bath, diffuser, facial lotion and massage oil.
Patchouli- aids in relaxing and emotional strengthening. Relieves anxiety, anti-inflammatory and fluid retention. Used for dry and wrinkled skin. USE: bath, diffuser, facial lotion and massage oil.
Peppermint- use as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Relieves asthma, fainting, flu and nervous disorders. Clears the mind also used for head and stomach aches. USE: bath, diffuser. Relaxing tea and massage oil.
Pine Needle- use for Bronchitis and any sinus or breathing problem. USE: diffuser, sauna and bath.
Rose- use for acne, headaches, blood impurities, constipation and as a sedative. USE: bath, diffuser, douche, flavoring for tea and massage oil.
Rosemary- Stimulates physically and mentally relieving mental fatigue. Used for headaches, depression memory, antiseptic. USE: bath, diffuser, facial lotion, flavoring for tea and massage oils.
Rosewood- Relieves dry and sensitive skin. Good blood purifier and antiseptic, relaxer that gives feelings of euphoria. USE: bath, diffuser, facial lotion, flavoring for tea and massage oils.
Sandalwood- Used to increase confidence, relieve tension and relax. Relieves acne, coughs, sore throats, nausea, insomnia and tuberculosis. USE: bath, diffuser, facial compresses, lotions, massage oils and gargle.
Tea Tree- a very powerful antiseptic, used to improve immunity, often used for infections, sunburns, cold sores, acne and gingivitis. USE: diffuser, lotions, compresses, facial masks and hair care.
Thyme- used as an anti depressant, antiseptic, stimulant. Relieves exhaustion, cold, poor circulation and builds immunity. USE: seasoning, diffuser, massage oil, bath. Never apply undiluted.
Vanilla- very calming, relieves impotence and acts as an aphrodisiac. Careful with this one...should not be used around small children, pregnant women or people suffering from Epilepsy or Brain damage. Has been known to trigger seizures. USE: diffuser, candles and massage oil.
Vetiver- used to relieve stress, muscle aches, exhaustion and insomnia. USE: diffuser, perfumes and lotions.
Ylang Ylang- used as an antiseptic, relieves oily skin and intestinal infections. Also used to calm and sedate, euphoric and aphrodisiac. USE: bath, diffuser, facial compresses, lotions and massage oils.