Day/ Planet/ Angel Correspondences
Every day of the week has a Planet that corresponds to it. Every day also has an Angel. Truley every hour of the day has an Angel associated with it. In addition there are correspondences of herbs, stones, etc. When performing a Ritual the greatest success will be accomplished if as many correspondences are incorporated as possible. Below is a table which shows some of the corresponces.
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | |
Planet | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn |
Archangel | Raphael | Gabriel | Khamael | Michael | Tzadiqel | Haniel | Tzaphqiel |
Angel | Michael | Gabriel | Samael | Raphael | Sachiel | Anael | Cassiel |
Metal | Gold | Silver | Iron | Mercury | Tin | Copper | Lead |
Element | Fire | Water | Fire | Air | Air/Fire | Earth/Water | Earth/Water |
Color | Yellow | White * | Red | Purple | Blue | Green | Black |
Llewelyn publishes a wonderful Witches calender that lists all the moon phases and planetary shifts. For example it lists if " Jupiters in Leo" etc. Below is additional information that may aid you in your casting. Each Planet is also a link to the Crystalwell Planet page where additional information may be found. Happy Casting !
Rules: Health, Vitality, Ego, Heart, Creativity, Superiors, Power, Success, Advancement, Leadership, Friendship, Growth, Light, Joy; Success; Advancement; leadership; natural power; friendship; growth; healing; light; pride; prosperity; vitality; personal fulfillment; fame; monetary gain; health; self-confidence; hope; immediate family; life-energy; money; favor; honor; promotion; support of those in power; creativity; active change.
No Magickal working should be undertaken during an Eclipse. It is considered an unfortuante time and spells fail or worse back fire.
The Sun is considered for the most part to be a masculine entitiy. There are a few Goddesses associated with the Sun though that you may call upon.
Gods: Apollo, Lugh, Ra, Semesh, Vishnu-Krishna-Rama, Horus, Bel
Goddesses: Amaterasu, Brigit, Bast, Sekhmet
Musical Note: C sharp
Tone: Re
Associated Numbers - 1, 6 and, 21
Tarot: The Sun
Rules: Clairvoyance, sleep, psychic dreams, reveals secrets, emotions, Astral travel, women's mysteries, birth, reincarnation, The days and hours of the Moon are most favorable to acts related to Vegatative activity - security, fore-knowledge, journeys. The Moon reflects, inspires and energizes emotions.
Moon hours are good for casting spells for any of the above mentioned results.
The Moon's effect is also hypnotic, causing a vulnerability, therefore the weak or uninformed Magicke user can be open to attack and capable of being wounded or controlled by another.
The colour associated with the Moon does rely on what phase she is in at the time. Though associated with mainly Goddesses and referred to as an Feminine aspect the moon has been known as masculine.
* New: White, Grey, Silver
- Waxing: White
- Full: Red or Green
- Waning: Black
Gods: Atlas
Goddesses: Artemis,Ceridwen, Diana, Hathor, Isis, Hecate, Lunah, Nimue,Selene
NEW: Artemis, Nimue
FULL: Diana,
WANING: Hecate
Musical Note: G sharp
Tone : Ti
Associated Numbers - 3 and 9
Tarot: High Priestess
Rules: Male Sexuality, Strength, Lust, Anger, Destruction, Medical Issues, Surgery, Competition, Conflict, Sports
Strength; Struggle; War; Anger; Conflict; Aggression; Victory; Energy; Ambition; Goals; Upheaval; Strife; Arguments. Mars is the MOTIVATOR. It has powerful positive and negative influences, and is a force to be considered with utmost CAUTION.
Mars does not know nor care about right or wrong, It only strives after VICTORY. It incites courage, bravery and vinditiveness. It is inclined toward combativeness and its power favors domination, politics, athletics, surgery, industry, difficulties in lawsuits, etc. It seems to furnish the necessary drive and force required to CONQUER or WIN. Often called the angry red planet cause of its reddish glow, its Energy is powerful and difficult to control. Once invoked, its hard to stop and will not rest until it vanquishes all obstacles in its path.
When working rituals, make certain that this is the effect you desire because there is no "going back" Once you've invoked the energy of Mars. Martian influence is a PROTECTOR like no other and the Mars hour is useful for petitions of protection against enemies, the "Evil Eye" and demonic attack or possession.
If it has it become nescessary to launch an attack on an enemy then Mars is for you. But remember, use only to thwart or inhibit another's actions. Calling on Mars may lead to a physical manifestation which truley harms another. The punishment you are calling for cannot out weigh whatever it is they have done to you. Better to petition Saturn for Karmic retribution. The Law of Three applies, if not followed then Saturn will knock on your door.
Controlling Mars:
You must learn to modify it with other Planetary or zodiacal influences. Example: Mercury or Venus, with a Mars Hour and The Moon in an Air Sign to combat in Justice for a favorable outcome (during the New Moon, 1st Quarter)
Mars-Sun Cusp:
Seek paroles or liberation, whether deserved or not. Spell cast to obtain freedom is well-timed if the power can be released at the precise moment of the cusp, with the Moon in a fire sign. For Peaceful seperations or hand-partings, choose a day of Venus, Moon full-to-waning in an Earth Sign with the Mars-Sun Infuence
Jupiter-Mars Cusp:
Good for Psycho-kinetic Magic (mind over matter) - change the weather, divert storms, influence gaming devices to win and to bring about "miraculous" (spontaneous) healings, etc. With the Sun in an Air Sign, the Moon in a Water Sign.
Gods: Ares, Heracles, Mars, Nergal, Horus, Tyr
Goddesses: Anath, Brigit, Diana, Morrigan
Musical Note: D
Tone: Do
Associated Number: 2, 3,5 and 16
Tarot: The Tower
Rules: Communication, Intellect, Business, Writing, Contracts, Buying and selling, Information of all kinds, Wisdom, Cleverness, Creativity, Science, Memory, Mercury is "the manipulator." It's influence is favorable to all acts requiring adaptiveness - commerce, medicine, diplomacy, couseling, changes, etc. Mercury hours lend themselves adeptly to mental feats of all kinds, or to works aimed at bending the mind of another.
Use to cast spells aimed at bringing about quick changes of all kinds, but it will work best when the Moon is in a Mutable sign. If it is in a cardinal or fixed sign the work could fail and result in frustration or confession.
To change bad luck to good, use a Mercury hour on a day of Venus.
Remember, Venus leans toward Natural Order and wants to right things which are wrong or inequitable and Mercury maneuvers the change. This is also a good time for healing works, when the Moon is in Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn.
Use a Mercury hour to seek forgiveness, and to make amends, when a strong change in attitudes is desired, or to cause people who have been feuding to make up and become friends.
Gods: Anubis, Elegba, Hermes, Mercury, Thoth, Woden
Goddesses: Athena, Maat
Musical Note: D
Tone: Mi
Associated Numbers: 1, 2, 4 and 8
Tarot: The Magician
Rules: Success, Abundance, Money, Growth, Parties, Visions, Gambling, Leadership; Politics; Power; Honor; Royalty; Public Acclaim and Fame; Responsibility; Wealth; Business; Success; Health; Love; Expansion; Growth.
Jupiter's influence is predominantly jovial, and is favorable to all acts of social dealings with family, groups, civic functions. Jupiter's effect is one of expansion. This is a concept which often misleads most into believing that everything about it is good. Remember, Jupiter brings more . But it is more of the same that which exists, not something different. It does NOT activate change. Therefore to invoke Jupiter on behalf of someone who is already suffering, or lacking, would bring about total despair. It's the influence under which "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer," so use caution.
Cast spells for "increase" during Jupiter hours. But remember, there has to be something in existence to increase. So if it is a money spell, use physical money as the seed. If the desired increase is for physical strength or stamina, move the time closer to the Jupiter-Mars cusp. The Moon must be waxing in an Earth sign for any increase.
Jupiter is used from Winter Solstice to Vernal Equinox for power, luck, success and things the Sun is used for ordinarily, as the Sun's power is weaker during this time.
Gods: Bel, Jupiter, Marduk, Thor, Zeus
Goddesses: Hera, Juno
Musical Note: F sharp
Tone: So
Associated Numbers: 4 and 5
Tarot: The Wheel of Fortune
Rules: Love, Pleasure, Female Sexuality, The Arts, Music, Beauty, Luxury, Scent, Social Affairs , Sensuality . Venus encourages the Natural Order of things, to protect Nature's balance. The Venus days and hours are very favorably to anything related to physical perfection and harmony.
While Venus has been regarded as the ideal power for love spells, this is a dangerous generalization, and must be given further consideration. Remember, Venus guards the Natural Order of things, so if the love desired does not in any way disrupt, or corrupt an existing family entity, and if the individuals have already known one another, and are favorably matched, and simply need a little "boost" to encourage a true love to manifest and flourish, then Venus is the best influence to utilize such love spells.
Also to be considered is the fertility aspect. If the person desiring to obtain the love of another is not serious to the extent of also being willing to assume the responsibility for home and family - otherwise your just looking for a good time- the result could be total disastrous - an unwanted pregnancy, a jealous and vindictive lover who is difficult to get loose from, etc. For such spells of attraction or romantic fascination, it is best to forget the Venus influence until such time as it is desired to make the union permanent, or binding. Meanwhile, use the Mercury (mind-bending manipulator) and Moon , the Moon being ideal for romanic and emotional vulnerability.
Venus hours are fine to cast spells for fertility - of plants, animals or humans, also corporate entities. Also to bring peace in the home, average good luck that has been lacking, anything dealing with music, arts and crafts, home economics and beauty.
Gods: Eros, Pan
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Asherah, Freya, Hathor, Inanna, Isis, Ishtar, Venus
Musical Note: A
Tone: La
Number: 3, 5, 6 and 7
Tarot: The Empress
Rules: Astral Plane, limitations, knowledge, death, history, time, Karmic Debts, Magickal Knowledge, self-discipline, sacred wisdom, longevity, the abstract law, finding lost items or stolen goods, making someone reveal secrets or hidden knowledge (for benevolent purposes).
Slows down, thwarts, restricts, limits according to Natural Law.
Saturn Planetary Hours favor the collection of debts. When the Moon is in an Earth sign, cast spells to reap benefits and rewards from efforts expended, or to obtain needed relief from want.
Saturn-Jupiter Cusp with Moon in Taurus is ideal time for peace making. This cusp favors benevolent leadership, practical idealism, brotherly love, selflessness and philanthropic acts. Use this time to "help" in any way and it will bring an appropriate spiritual reward.
Moon wanes in Scorpio - Saturn influence is good for casting spells to bind, thwart, or cause someone to cease and desist from a particular action and "to freeze" someone or something in a present condition or state. This could result in the arrest of a progressive disease. (This spell would have to be re-inforced under the Sun-Venus influence.)
Gods: Bran, Cronus, Saturn, YHVH
Goddesses: Cybele, Demeter, Hecate, Hera, Isis, Kali, Nephthys, Rhea
Musical Note: D
Tone: Fa
Associated Numbers: 3 and 7
Tarot: The World
Rules: Freedom, Independence, Change, Sufficience, Sovereignty, Freedom, Originality
Gods: Zeus, Pan
Goddesses: Isis
Musical Note: B sharp
Associated Numbers: 7 and 10
Tarot: The Hermit
Rules: Inspiration, Dreams, Affiliation, Friends, Creativity, Compassion
Gods: Neptune,
Goddesses: Ishtar
Musical Note: D
Associated Numbers: 8 and 12
Tarot: The Emperor
Rules: Rebirth, Self-Knowledge, Spirituality, Sexuality, Renewal, Desire
Gods: Osiris, Pluto, Kronos, The Titans
Goddesses: Persephone, Gaia
Musical Note: A
Tone: La
Associated Numbers: 9, 11, 12 and 17
Tarot: The Pope