MABON-On or around September 21, the autumn
equinox, Wiccans celebrate the second harvest. Nature is preparing for winter.
Mabon is a vestige of ancient harvest festivals which, in some form or another,
were once nearly universal amoung peoples of the Earth.
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MAGIC/MAGICK-The movement of natural energies (such as Personal Power) to create needed change. Energy exists within all things- ourselves, plants, stones, colors, sounds, movements. Magic is the process of rousing or building up this energy, giving it purpose, and realeasing it. Magic is a natural, not supernatural, practice, though it is little understood.
MAGIC CIRCLE, The- A sphere constructed of Personal Power in which Wiccan rituals are usually enacted. The term refers to the circle that marks the sphere's penetration of the ground, for it extends both above and below it. It is created through visualization and magick.
MEDITATION- Reflection, contemplation, turning inward toward the self or outward toward Deity or nature. A quiet time in which the practitioner may dwell upon particular thoughts or symbols, or allow them to come unbidden.
MEGALITH- A huge stone monument or structure. Stonehenge is perhaps the best-known example of magalithic construction.
MENHIR- A standing stone probably lifted by early peoples for religious, spiritual or magical reasons.
MIGHTY ONES-The- Beings, deities or presences often invoked during Wiccan ceremony to witness or guard the rituals. The Mighty Ones are thought to be either spiritually evolved beings, once human, or spiritual entities created by aor charged by the Goddess and God to protect the Earth and to watch over the four directions. They are sometimes linked with the Elements.
MID SUMMER-click for info
NEO-PAGAN- Literally, new-Pagan. A member, follower or sympathizer of one of the newly formed Pagan religions now spreading thoughout the world. All Wiccans are Pagan, but not all Pagans are Wiccan.
OLD ONES, The- A Wiccan tern often used to encompass all aspects of the Goddes and God. Some Wiccans view it as an alternative of The Mighty Ones.
OSTARA- Occurring at the spring equinox, around March 21st, Ostara marks the befinning of true, stronomical spring, when snow and ice make way for green. As such, it is a fire and fertility festival, celebrating the return of the Sun, the God and the fertility of the Earth (the Goddess). click for more info