EARTH MAGIC- A practical form of magick wherein the powers and forces of Earth Mother are used to conduct magickal workings or celebrations.

ELDER- Many Wiccan organizations have a group or board of Elders who over see the operations of the church and its variety of functions. These people have usually gained their positions through a combination of their abilities which may include education, experience, magical adedtship and counselling. Elements, The- Earth, Air, Fire, Water. These four essences are the building blocks of the universe. Wverythin that exists (or has the potential to exist) contains one or more of these energies. The elements hum within ourselves and are also "at large" in the workd. They can be utilized to cause change through magic. The four elements forned from the primal essence or power-Akasha. Esbat- A Wiccan ritual, usually occurring on the Full Moon. Evocation- Calling up spirits or other non-physical entities, either to visible appearance or invisible attendance.