AKASHA-The fifth element, the omnipresent spiritual power that permeates the universe. It is the energy out of which the Elements formed .
ALCHEMY-A form of high magick which stems from the middle ages noted by the attempts of alchemists to make lead turn into gold.
ALTAR- A special, flat surface set aside exclusively for magical workings or religious acknowledgment.
AMULET-A magically charged object which deflects specific, usually negative energies. Generally, a protective object.often used to ward off a certain force or person.
ANKH- An Egyptian hieroglyphic that is widely used as a symbol for life, love, and reincarnation. It is depicted as a cross with a looped top.
ARCANA- The two halves of a Tarot deck. The Major Arcana consists of 22 trumps depicting dominant occurrences in our lives. The Minor Arcana consists of 56 suit cards (sometimes called lesser Arcana) that assist in fleshing out the trump situations, or indicate smaller occurrences in our lives.
ASPERGER(smudge wand)-A bundle of fresh herbs or a perforated object used to sprinkle water during or preceding Ritual, for purificatory purposes.
ASTRAL- Another dimension of reality. It has been referred to as "dream-time'. This reference is from the Australian Aboriginal people and their teachings.
ASTRAL TRAVEL/PROGECTION- The process of separating your astral body from your physical one to accomplish travel in the astral plane or dreamtime. Astrology The practice of revealing the future by interpreting the arrangement of stars and planets in relation to astrological theory and the zodiac.
ANTHAME- A Wiccan ritual knife. It usually has a double-edged blade and a black handle. The athame is used to direct Personal Power during ritual workings. It is seldom (if ever) used for actual, physical cutting. The term is of obscure origin, has many variant spellings among Wiccans, and an even greater variety of pronunciations. "Ah-THAM-ee" ; "ATH-ah-may" or ah THAW-may."
AURA- An energy field which surrounds living beings. An aura is most often visible only to those born with the skill to see it, or those who developed this ability. A visible aura contains various colors and tells about the spiritual and emotional persona of the plant, human, or creature surrounded by it. However, an aura can also be felt, heard, or sensed through other means.
BALEFIRE- A fire lit for magical purposes, usually outdoors. Balefires are traditional on Yule, Beltane and Midsummer celebrations.
BANE- That which destroys life, which is poisonous, destructive, evil, dangerous. Banish- To magically end something or exorcise unwanted entities. To rid the presence of.
BELTANE- A Pagan festival celebrated on April 30th or May 1st (traditions vary). Beltane is also known as May Eve, Roodmas, Walpurgis Night, Cethsamhain. Beltane celebrates the symbolic union, mating or marriage of the Goddess and God, and links in with the approaching summer months.click for more info
BESOM- A bundle of twigs attached to a handle used to cleanse and purify sacred space. Essentially a witch's broomstick.
BI-LOCATION- The practice of using a type of astral projection to travel in everyday reality by retaining the capability to be aware of your present surroundings. Synonymous terms are over-looking and mind-travel.
BIND- To magically restrain something or someone.or bind them to you.
BLESSED BE -A term derived from the ritual of the Five-fold Kiss, it is simple a blessing commonly used by wiccans and pagans as a greeting or a goodbye. Abbreviated as BB or B*B.
BOLLINE- The white-handled knife, used in magic and Wiccan ritual for practical purposes such as cutting herbs or piercing a pomegranate.
BOOK OF SHADOWS- A book of rituals, recipes, journal entries, laws/rules, and other documents important to a witch or coven. Each Book of Shadows is different as the individual decides what is necessary for their book.
BURNING TIMES- It is is reference to a historical time from around 1000 ce through the 17th century when it is said that over nine million people were tortured and burned by church and public officials on the assumption that they were the Christian version of Witches. This turned into an extremely profitable venture, as all land and property was seized from the accused individual and and portions given to the accuser (in reward fashion) and the remainder seized by the church officials. Historians indicated that the majority of people tortured and murdered were women and children.