The Threefold Law

Whatever you send forth, whether of good or of ill, returns to you threefold.

This is pretty self explanatory. If you are doing a good thing and emitting positive energy it will come back to you times three. Transversely if you are emitting negative energy it will also come back to you three times. The number three is symbolic in many beliefs. For the christians it is "The Holy Trinity", father, son and holy ghost for wiccan it is "The Triple Goddess", maiden, mother and crone. For Witches even another ;to quote Dianus Lucien "The number three is symbolic, rather than literal: once for the intent, once for the action, and once for the result; once for the planting, once for the nurturing, and once for the harvest; once for the thought, once for the word, once for the deed; once for the effect on our own character and karma, once for the declaration of that act as something we ourselves are subject to, once for its effect on the intended subject."