The original purpose of this site was to be a place for us to organize and store information of a Holistic manner. We never really intended to include our beliefs within its pages. As time went on the site took on a life of its own and we found the priority had shifted. We understand why now, since it came into existence many people who we associate with have come forward to say "Wow you to". Many of these people are confused or uncertain to why they feel the way they do, and have had no one to discuss their feelings with. Many people make the conscious decision to become a Witch/Alchemist. We, like many others never made a decision to be Alchemists, we just are . Until recently we never studied the ways of Witchcraft /Mysticism they were always a natural part of our lives. Many Practioners are Pagan or Wiccan, but many are Christian.. There is still a terrible misconception of what a Witch is and what they do.
First lets clarify that not all Pagans are Witches......and believe it or not ; not all Witches are Pagan, or are all Witches followers of the man made Religion of Wicca. A Pagan is according to Websters Dictionary.
Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin paganus, from Latin, country dweller, from pagus country district; akin to Latin pangere to fix -- or ( yea gotta love this one):
One who has little or no religion and who delights in sensual pleasures and material goods : an irreligious or hedonistic person.
Where on earth did they come up with this last one? Such a blatant lie, at least the way it's worded. Originally pagan meant of or from the country. As Christianity spread the term was used to describe those who had not changed to the monotheistic religion. From the second definition you can gather that the "Church" proceeded to add their own amazingly incorrect description to the meaning. Pagans do not relish in materialistic things,they believe in simplicity.....not over indulgence. Sensual pleasure.......hmmmm.....well guess they got us there......remember sex should only be for procreation according to most Xian based theologies. Oh well....guilty. Wonder if that makes most Xians closet Pagans?
Ok...little or no religion huh? Well actually I guess that is true. We're not religious.....we're Spiritual. Something an awful lot of Xians seem to have forgotten how to be; allowing themselves to become too wrapped up in the dogma. Pagans respect and worship ALL living things as being part of a greater whole.....God...Goddess.........Divine source or the Power. No matter what title is truly doesn't matter. There is no organized Religion of Paganism, no Dogma to follow.
Pagans believe the "One True God" is comprised of both male and female energies and therefore worship both. The Christians started this way to.....the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit....sound familiar...yeah but how many of you know that the "Spirit" part was meant to represent female energies. The all boys club decided to make religion a male dominated category.
Pagans perform rituals just like many other "religions". They light candles and burn incense to pay honor and respect to their interpretation of the One God. Our holy days are the 8 Sabbats (see Yearwheel) and the New and Full moons. Our prayers are really no different........we just prefer to end with "So mote it be!" instead of Amen.
Ok what is a Witch?
Etymology: Middle English wicche, from Old English wicca- masculine- wizard or wicce- feminine- witch;
Date: before 12th century : one that is credited with usually malignant supernatural powers; especially a woman practicing usually black witchcraft often with the aid of a devil or familiar .
I believe it's time that the Websters dictionary updated some of their definitions. On the following page you will find the "Principles of Belief" as laid out by the American Witches Council. We are not in league with the devil nor do we normally practice malignant sorcery. We at Crystalwell are a little concerned that today Witchcraft is being touted as a "Religion", it is not. There are many types of Witches, some are strictly healers, some purely divinators, there are many levels of knowledge. And some Witches choose to go further and become Alchemists.
Not all people who follow a pagan path stretch themselves to learn mysticism. Do all Jews learn the numerological significance of the Kabbalah? and more so how to use it? Spydr and I had the opportunity once to participate in a Catholic Blessing for healing done on Palm Sunday by the Priest himself. How come when he stands and mutters words calling on his version of god and burns incense he is not called a Witch?
When Spydr and I were married we found a very open minded Lutheran Minister to perform a very Ecclectic Ceremony written by us. A couple weeks before the ceremony we payed Arthur and his wife a visit. Arthur proceeded to perform a "cleansing" of all past relationships from Spydr and I, then a "binding" of our souls together. His wife then dropped to her knees and "banished" all negative entities from us that might try to keep us apart. Someone please explain to us why if we do the same things we would be called 'Witch"with a negative connotation, but Arthur and his wife are not?
Next question did Spydr and I "feel" anything during the Lutheran Ministers Rituals?
You bet your broomstick we did. These two people have an amazing amount of power between them, the air literally hums with it.
Ever heard the term "Xian Witch"? Quite honestly the first time we did we thought it was silly. How can a person be a Xian and a seemed like an impossibility. Ahhh but you see we ourselves we're under a misconception that they were mutually exclusive. Not so. What do we believe the definition of "Witch" should be?
Any individual, of any religious/spiritual practice who has studied all aspects of the Craft to some degree. That includes Herbs for Magicke and for Healing. Crystals for Magicke and for Healing,Grounding, Centering, Divination, Ritual Magicke,etc. One who has delved deeply into themselves, and knows they are connected to a higher power no matter what name it may be called. That the power is also within them and may be called upon to do "Good" for others. No matter what the core Spiritual belief system may be an individual who can at will connect with the "Source". The golden rules for Witches- An It Harm No One and For the Good Of All Is The Point Of It All.
Anyone can light a candle, burn some incense and recite a ritual, and if it comes from the heart it will be effective to a degree. But it takes years of training in Mysticism to become a true "Witch" or Catholic " Priest" capable of healing or a Lutheran minister with effective "banishment's". The one thing all these people have in common is their strong spiritual connection to the they got there is so very unimportant.
What is Wicca? (from Wikipedia)
Wicca is a Neopagan religion that can be found in many English-speaking countries. Originally founded by the British civil servant Gerald Gardner, probably in the 1940s, although it was first openly revealed in 1954. Since its founding, various related Wiccan traditions have evolved, the original being Gardnerian Wicca, which is the name of the tradition that follows the specific beliefs and practices established by Gerald Gardner.
Gerald Gardner is credited with re-introducing the word into the English language, although he himself used the spelling Wica repeatedly in his published work of 1954. The spelling "Wicca" is now used almost exclusively.
In Old English, wicca meant necromancer or male witch. Some contend that the term wicca is related to Old English witan, meaning wise man or counselor, but this is widely rejected by language scholars as false etymology. Nonetheless, Wicca is often called the "Craft of the wise" as a result of this misconception.
Goto"Principles of Belief American Witches Council"