The unicorn nodded. " Of course. I too have seen the troubles with the hunters and those they hunt. I will do what I can to help."

"Thank you, my friend." Gaia said as she gently lay her hand on the unicorns flank.

Three nights later Selene again returned to Gaia's bower. This time there was no waiting to see her, for she was alone.

"It is good to see you again," said Gaia.

"And you," answered Selene. " I have seen Una and explained what you need. He has said that he knows of the troubles and how you must make the light. The light must be freely given. It must come from a living being. One who unselfishly goes into that exile in the night sky, for the good of all. Also he reminds you that the light may not burn the same every night. There must be full light for the hunters, but also there must be times of darkness to give the hunted a respite."

"This I know," Gaia said. " I have thought on this since last we met. I would be the light myself, but may not abandon my responsibilities here. Yet I do not know if I have the right to ask this of anyone else".

"I too have been thinking of this," Selene said tossing her golden mane and silver horn. "You do not need to ask anyone. I will do this. You are my friend, the only one who sees me without either coveting me or being afraid of me. Perhaps when others see me in the night they will be kinder to my kindred in rememberance."

Gaia hugged Selene, then said, "Thank you my friend. I will make sure that all know of this thing you are doing of your own free will. Never will a night go by that I will not remember you. Never again will the hunted and the hunters forget you name or your help in their lives."

Selene lay her head upon Gaia's shoulder in a silent farewell. Straightening, she gathered all the light of her spirit together and launched herself with Gaia's help into the night sky.

This is why, during the crescent moon twice every month, you can see a unicorns horn glowing in the night sky. This is why we should never forget what was been done in love and friendship. This is also why some people call the moon Selene.


The End

