Natural Remedies


Acidophilus Lactobacillus- "healthy bacteria" when we eat foods that may contain small trace amounts of salmonella or other types of food poisoning the bad bacteria in our intestinal tract blooms. When this happens the healthy bacteria is attacked. Everytime the Dr. puts us on Antibiotics the medication that is supposed to be helping us is also causing damage. Antibiotics do not know the difference between good and bad bacteria, therefore they kill both. Ever notice that after a long duration (7-10 days) of antibiotic use that you suffer dysentery, constipation, abdominal pains or yeast infections. This is because the healthy flora in your intestinal tract and stomach has been nearly wiped out. Next time you are put on a regime of antibiotics, immediately go to the local healthfood store and start on this. There is another way to get this ingredient, by eating lots of yogurt. It has also been found that this "healthy bacteria" also reduces levels of bad cholesterol.

Bromelain- Bromelain is a mixture of sulfur-containing protein-digesting enzymes (proteases) from the stem of the pineapple plant. Bromelain has been shown to be effective in the reduction of inflammation and helpful in the reduction of swelling. Bromelain blocks the production of kinins which are produced during inflammation. It is recommended to be taken between or before meals and dosage is typically between 250 to 750 milligrams thrice daily. Caution-There are known allergic reactions which include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Chondroitin Sulphate- when taken in conjunction with the Glucosamine it helps feed the cartilage while keeping the joints moisturized. Speeding up the healing process.

Glucosamine Sulphate- our body naturally produces This substance but as we get older the process slows down. Glucosamine is the building block of cartilage and the connectors from muscle to bone. If suffering from any form of Arthritis, tendentious, bursitis, or sports injury This is a must. It reduces inflammation around the joints, allowing more movement. When the inflammation is diminished so is the pain. It is suggested that This enzyme be "front ended", This means take 3000mg for the first 10 days. After This time take 1500mg a day for continuous maintenance. On a personal note I have had many people including myself start taking This and the results have been remarkable.