Mid-Summer Ritual
For those who seek the Ancient Ways
The Wheel hath turned and lengthened days
And Time hath come and given reason
To celebrate Midsummer Season.
The gods bless forest, field, and stream
With skies of blue and trees of green.
Longer days to gladden lives
With summer sun and cloudless skies
Colors vibrant in glorious flower
Rejoice in this, Demeter's hour.
Call now the east, the air is clear
And summer magick is everywhere.
Call now the south with summer's fire
Infuse all creatures with life's desire.
Call now the water from the west
To nourish crops, Demeter's best.
Call now the north, the element earth
That grows the wood for home and hearth.
Into this circle welcome god and goddess
This home and all that dwell within do bless.
A waxing moon doth fortune bring
The air doth hum and magick sings.
Lend joy to this ritual and blessed be
And by my word, so mote it be.
Author Terra