Blessed be this season of Mabon,
time of the second harvest,
the harvest of fruit and wine.
Tonight all things are in balance:
Goddess and God,
Life and Death,
Light and Dark.
Tonight the darkness will conquer the light,
leading us deeper into the waning year.
(hold apple over your heart and say)
Ancient symbol of life, death and rebirth,
take away my mourning.
Help me to be assured that death is not a permanent parting,
but a new and joyful beginning.
(hold up chalice of wine)
Blessed Crone, thank you for bringing me safely to this season.
God of wine, thank you for your gift of the grape.
(Now you can make a toast to whomever or what ever you like.)
Blessed be Mabon, season of bounty.
Author Edain McCoy
Adaptation by Lady Sheer