Life's Illusion
The scent of magnolia hangs heavy
on the air,
Like the aroma of perfume in Her long, dark twining hair.
The night threatens each moment to swallow me away,
And keep me forever, safely hidden from the day.
She laughs gleefully and She extends forth
Her slender hand,
I reach for it and feel childish forgetting how to stand.
This woman, this Goddess, now grants me my strangest dream,
The knowledge of living my lives as a living, winding stream.
Her garments they flow like the finest
gossamer silk,
Her promises wrap round me and Her skin as white as milk.
To give myself to Her each morning bright and new,
To die each night being born again with morning's glistening dew.
And so, you see my children, the stream
of life's illusion,
For the bringing of death each night can bring only one conclusion.
Neither life nor death ist real--only one thing we call our own,
The love we feel together!! What we reap is what we've sown.
Let the Goddess know that we love Her
more than life~~
Give Her what She asks, lay down the times of strife.
She's our teacher and our mother and all She asks at last,
Is the love you feel within you as your circles nightly you do cast.
Bright blessings, Children.
White be the candle at the center of our altars,
Blue be the candles to the right and to the left.
But red be the candles on the rim,
for these candles bring passion and passion bringeth life.
Author Cerridwyn