Glorys Conversations with God.


A little witch knelt down to pray before the christian god.

Why do you hate me so dear god, i just want peace and love.

You judge me because i am different, and see me for my faults.

You do not look at my beauty or see my inner thoughts.

You look at what is outside, and spew a bunch of lies.

You scare your people into fearing me, in order to control their lives.

I am not as evil, as you wish for them to believe.

I do not believe. in satan, or sacrifice children or animals to bleed.

I work with herbs to heal, and meditate to calm.

I take care of mother nature, because you destroy her with bombs.

I love my fellow man, I do not judge their lives.

I think its absolutely beautiful, when women have the courage to take on wives.

If a woman needs an abortion, I may not understand,

But that's her right and that's her body, and I will give a helping hand.

If two men fall in love, and they are friends of mine

you can bet I'll be there when the knot is tied.

This is the world I chose to live in, A world that's full of love.

A world that's not squeaky clean and tested with a white glove.

This world has been destroyed because of the intolerance of a few.

Children die and are tortured to death because of people like you.

Religious tolerance is important, maybe you should preach that.

Instead of preaching judgment, and battle with a bat.


A little witch name Glory.


Written By
Jasmine Brooks


