Familiars,Totems and
Spirit Guides
If you talk to the animals
they will talk with you
and you will know each other.
If you do not talk to them,
you will not know them,
And what you do not know you will fear.
What one fears one destroys.
(Chief Dan George)
Familiars, Totems and Spirit Guides are all basically the same thing. Whenever most people think of the word "Familiar" they think of the typical wicked witch and her evil familiar doing dastardly deeds at midnight to harm others. However,this type of story has become so much a part of human consciousness that few people understand and recognize the reality behind a familiar. Most people think of black cats when you say the word 'familiar'. They are surprised to learn that any animal can be a familiar. Plus the animal need not be on the physical Earth plane, but can live in the astral.
Many people will tell you they absolutely don't believe in familiars and would never consider having one if they could. You don't have to be a witch or believe in familiars to have one. You don't have to believe in or do magick to have a familiar. If you have any kind of pet in your home, one with whom you feel close, you already have a familiar. Even if you don't have a pet, but are drawn to a certain kind of animal, it may well be a sign you have an astral familiar or as Shamans refer to them a "Totem". There are great benefits to having a familiar, whether you recognize it, as such or not. The health profession has now acknowledged that people who form attachments with pets live healthier and longer lives. They are less likely to suffer depression, are happier, and recover quicker from illnesses. These health professionals state that it is the presence of the animal and the human's taking care of it that creates these wonderful side-effects. Even more to the point is it not possible that the animal is in actuality sending healing energy. When their human is ill, dogs and cats, for example, realize this and will ordinarily stay near, often touching or lying right against you. This compassion is not just animal instinct, try to get an animal that doesn't think of itself as YOURS , to spend time with you when you are ill. Not gonna happen. There is no spiritual bond between you and the animal in question.The bond is necessary for animal-to-human healing. The only way someone else's familiar will aid you is if their human asks them to do so!
Familiars make excellent companions because they have chosen you, not the other way around. If you think back on your choices of "pets'" you will probably realize that the choice was made for you in a very subtle way. Familiars can also be something other than the ordinary type of pets we humans like to have about us. Sometimes they are wild creatures who make brief appearances at important times in our lives, and always with uncharacteristic behavior. Or they may be animals we feel connected to an animal it would be impossible to have in their lives because they are either wild or mythological. Animals such as bears, leopards, wolves, eagles, dragons, etc..these are the animals most often referred to as "Totems'. Quite often these animals will come to a person in dreams or during meditation, usually to forewarn . They often make themselves know when our lives are about to take a dramatic turn. If you pay close attention you can prepare yourself, as much as is possible, to handle upcoming problems.
Opening yourself up to a familiar, either on the physical
or astral plane, opens up all areas of your life as a human. These delightful
creatures help develop your potentials and grow spiritually. They teach you
to be tolerant, loving, patient, and receptive to the psychic world. It's
a known fact that animals can sense the coming of a storm or earthquake. Familiars
are sensitive to psychic vibrations and power and are welcomed partners inside
the magic circle. They also serve as psychic radar, reacting visibly to the
presence of any negative or evil energy, whether it be an unseen force or
a person who dabbles in the wrong kind of magic.
"Anima" (Latin) means Soul or Breath of Life
The hidden qualities and forces of nature were given characteristics of the animals that shared the environment. These personifications were called "Totems". The animals express the spirit nature of that species rather than the individual animal. The animals work with the subconscious mind, tapping into the energy that is present in all things. Honor and respect for all of nature was and is recognized. Man is not above nature, man is one with nature. Totems are a spiritual device that helps guide us on our own path of enlightenment. Animal totems are animals we tend to have an attraction to. They have qualities and behaviors that we admire and would like to emulate. They give us comfort and peace. Learning of your animal totem(s) will give you a greater sense of appreciation of your own connections to all life. By recognizing and acknowledging your totem as you see them, the energy working in your life will increase. You will notice your animal everywhere you go, in books, magazines and postcards, in nature, in dreams and visions. Your awareness will increase. Here follows a basic guideline to finding your special animal.
Which animals have always fascinated you, especially in
Which animals have you always felt connected to?
What animals do you see frequently in the wild?
Which quality of animal best describes your personality?
Which animals do you have around you in pictures, T-shirts or figurines?
Below I have listed the most common Totems, if you do not see your astral pet here please goto Native Spirituality
BEAR - Healing, Inner knowing ,Sub/Unconscious
mind, strength, grounding, inner energy of soul to find answers, judgments,
are you too critical or not critical enough, inner power to taste the honey
of life.
COUGAR- Strength, elusiveness,: Assertion of growth, take charge, be strong, come unto your own power, leap into opportunities, helps balance when to be gentle and when to assert your energy more forcefully.
DEER - physical pacing, body awareness,Gentleness, love, alertness, camouflage, attention to subtler outside influences, connections to children and people for best interests of all, vision, hearing, smell, helps discern what actions to be done.
DOLPHIN - Psychic abilities, initiators: Open new creative dimensions, curiosity, playfulness, breath and water needed for life, needs balancing, shows proper use of sounds and prayers, may need some fresh air to release tensions, newness.
EAGLE - High ideals, spiritual
philosophy Creation, healing, illumination of spirit, stronger and quicker
in actions, responsibility.
FOX - Elusiveness, agility, cleverness,Skilled
and ingenious, cunning, a new world and creative process opening up, look
in between yourself and others (physically, mentally, spiritually), shift
awareness to feminine energies for balance.
HAWK - Perception, Focus, protection,Visionary power, guardianship, swiftness, leadership, sees more in life, observant, strength.
HERON - Intuition, organization,Determination, balance, follow your own path, helps look deeper into aspects of life, innate wisdom.
HORSE - Stability, courage,Travel, freedom, persuasiveness, increase clairvoyance, time to move on if you feel stuck, teaches how to go in new directions with freedom and the power to face life.
MOUSE - Innocence, faith, trust, Attention to details, fastidious, may be getting too locked into details or may need to see them more closely now, need to focus on where your attention is.
OWL - symbolic wisdom, shadow work,Mystery of silent wisdom, vision, hearing, ability to pinpoint subtleties of motives, actions and people.
PANTHER- Symbol for ferocity,
valor, time to put to use psychic, mental, physical, spiritual muscles. Strong
hearing of other realms, may become sensitive to touch, past suffering will
return to transform and confront.
RABBIT - faith, nurturance,movement in life, fertility,
sensitive, artistic, plan for possibilities, check what is in motion now,
move carefully in work or play, allows for taking advantage of brief chances
Creation, magic, rebirth, omens, playful aspects, stir life without fear,
brings in the light.
WOLF - Earth wisdom, protection,Royalty, spirit, strength, friendly, sociable, intelligent, ritualistic in nature (applies to all of life), balances flexibility to establish harmony and order in life, new paths and journeys, freedom to move within the realms of insights and attachments. Epitome of the wild spirit.
There are a few things to note however: Animals usually choose the person, not the other way around. Lifelong power totems are usually wild in nature, not domesticated. Great respect / honor must be paid to the animal for a relationship to happen. Read, learn and surround yourself with pictures of the animal. By doing this you connect with the animal and the energy and wisdom it imparts.
All animals are linked by the Great Spirit, including humans. Nature has a way of communicating if we only listen. Animals are representatives of our unconscious minds. Through the appearance of animals we can then determine what the underlying situation is in our lives. For instance, the direction we should take in dilemmas, what the best course of action is, and how we should behave in given circumstances. The Great Spirit has linked us all together in order to learn and grow in our own Spirit. He has given us the chance to learn or perhaps relearn the language of the animals. When you come across an animal that is not normally seen around you. Take notice. If a bird is constantly vocal outside your window, listen and watch. After a while you will know and understand what the animals are trying to tell you. It is understood that there may be a variety of animals around you everyday. However, it is the subtle awareness, the nuances, which allow you to listen what is being said.
Spirit guides are basically what has already been covered here. The only difference to note is that where familiars and Totems are members of the animal kingdom. Spirit guides are more often thought of in humanoid terms. They may be Angels, Fairy Folk, Ancestors or the spirits of any soul who has crossed over. There are also some who speculate that not all Alien encounters are actually beings from another planet but beings from another dimension or plane.