Faery Magicke
My heartbeat
quickens with anxious pleasure,
My friend waits now, to share in the treasure~~
The Lady brings magicke that cannot know measure,
She tarries briefly but dares not to stay here.
With wild abandon we call on life's spirit,
Round the firelight we sit and never do fear it.
Fairies surround us and they dart and they weave
We cannot know doubt~~we can only believe.
Our shells fall limp and our shades they do rise,
We touch not the ground, we touch not the skies.
One with the Mother,Our pow'r increases,
Then draws nigh the dawn and She speaks of releases.
We beg Her stay longer but the spell now it ceases.
The Earth feels our feet and the Sky feels our breath~~
We again wait for the night when She pushes back Death.
My friend and my daughter is with me, my Sheer,
We claim what is ours, the wisdom and cheer.
We meet in the circle~~to me she's quite dear.
As one with the Goddess all things now are clear.