Egyptian Zodiac
Calendar Date |
Association of Gods
Compatible Signs
January 1 - January 7 | The Nile | Pacifist and devoted to refinement, receptive to wealth, scientific, tolerating, tender towards those who are not ignorant, subject to anger. | male: deep red, female: deep blue | Amon-Ra , Set |
January 8 - January 21 | Amon-Ra | Very generous, fruitful, people feel reassured around you, and willing to give their best. | male: yellow, female: orange | The Nile , Horus |
January 22 - January 31 | Maut (Mut) | Ironic, tremendous internal wealth, know how to rapidly connect with others, looks for paternal authority. | male: brown, female: red carmine | Amon-Ra , Thoth |
February 1 - February 11 | Amon-Ra | Very generous, fruitful, people feel reassured around you, and willing to give their best. | male: yellow, female: orange | The Nile , Horus |
February 12 - February 29 | Geb | Engaging personality, sensitive, modest, occasionally narcissistic, but can rise above vanity | male: violet, female: rose |
Set , Horus |
March 1 - March 10 | Osiris | Two sides to your personality, fiery but fragile, indecisive. | male: yellow, female: green | Isis , Thoth |
March 11 - March 31 | Isis | Solidarity, cultivates nobility | male: white, female: blue |
Osiris , Thoth |
April 1 - April 19 |
Thoth | Enthusiastic, enterprising, courageous, likes to take risks | male: rose, female: white |
Bastet , Isis |
April 20 - May 7 |
Horus | Sparkling personality, intense will, intelligent, understanding, impatient to exert influence. | male: red carmine, female: gold | Bastet , Geb |
May 8 - May 27 |
Anubis | Clever, full of compassion , fatalist, ambivalant, inhibited, deep | male: sienna, female: crimson | Bastet , Isis |
May 28 - June 18 |
Set | Perfectionist, prone to anger | male: turquoise, female: black | Geb , The Nile |
June 19 - June 28 |
The Nile | Pacifist and devoted to refinement, receptive to wealth, scientific, tolerating, tender towards those who are not ignorant, subject to anger. | male: deep red, female: deep blue | Amon-Ra , Set |
June 29 - July 13 |
Anubis | Clever, full of compassion , fatalist, ambivalant, inhibited, deep | male: sienna, female: crimson | Bastet , Isis |
July 14 - July 28 |
Bastet | You look for balance and harmony, anxious, devoted. | male: yellow ochre, female: grey | Sekhmet , Horus |
July 29 - August 11 | Sekhmet | Telepathic, observant, authoritative, indulgent, moral | male: green, female: turquoise |
Bastet , Geb |
August 12 - August 19 | Horus | Sparkling personality, intense will, intelligent, understanding, impatient to exert influence. | male: red carmine, female: gold | Bastet , Geb |
August 20 - August 31 | Geb | Engaging personality, sensitive, modest, occasionally narcissistic, but can rise above vanity | male: violet, female: rose |
Set , Horus |
September 1 - September 7 | The Nile | Pacifist and devoted to refinement, receptive to wealth, scientific, tolerating, tender towards those who are not ignorant, subject to anger. | male: deep red, female: deep blue | Amon-Ra , Set |
September 8 - September 22 | Maut (Mut) | Ironic, tremendous internal wealth, know how to rapidly connect with others, looks for paternal authority. | male: brown, female: red carmine | Amon-Ra , Thoth |
September 23 - September 27 | Bastet | You look for balance and harmony, anxious, devoted. | male: yellow ochre, female: grey | Sekhmet , Horus |
September 28 - October 2 | Set | Perfectionist, prone to anger | male: turquoise, female: black | Geb , The Nile |
October 3 - October 17 | Bastet | You look for balance and harmony, anxious, devoted. | male: yellow ochre, female: grey | Sekhmet , Horus |
October 18 - October 29 | Isis | Solidarity, cultivates nobility | male: white, female: blue |
Osiris , Thoth |
October 30 - November 7 | Sekhmet | Telepathic, observant, authoritative, indulgent, moral | male: green, female: turquoise |
Bastet , Geb |
November 8 - November 17 | Thoth | Enthusiastic, enterprising, courageous, likes to take risks | male: rose, female: white |
Bastet , Isis |
November 18 - November 26 | The Nile | Pacifist and devoted to refinement, receptive to wealth, scientific, tolerating, tender towards those who are not ignorant, subject to anger. | male: deep red, female: deep blue | Amon-Ra , Set |
November 27 - December 18 | Osiris | Two sides to your personality, fiery but fragile, indecisive. | male: yellow, female: green | Isis , Thoth |
December 19 - December 31 | Isis | Solidarity, cultivates nobility | male: white, female: blue |
Osiris , Thoth |