What Does the Term Clairvoyance Mean and What Does It Involve?
We predict the future all the time, but we usually, if not always, do it by taking into account our experience, knowledge, and surroundings. Some predictions by psychics come true. So do some predictions by non-psychics. No doubt much of our anticipation of the future is unconscious and second nature, but it is based on quite natural and mundane abilities and not on mysterious or supernatural powers.
Clairvoyance, a psychic ability to see things beyond the range of the power of vision, is often called the “sixth sense.” Clairvoyance is the art of “seeing” with senses beyond the five we normally use. It is usually associated with precognition or retrocognition. Clairvoyance is related to the images that are always present in your mind that bring messages from other realms. These images can be shape, colors, still, animated, remain on a few seconds, or last a longer time. You may “see” them with your eyes open or closed.
The faculty of seeing into the future is called second sight if it is not induced by scrying, drugs, trance, or other artificial means. The word clairvoyance means “clear-sighted,” or being able to see in the invisible (to physical vision) worlds. It is a faculty latent in all and will eventually be possessed by every human being in the course of his or her spiritual unfolding.(ascension)
Although, inherently, each of us has this faculty, a persistent effort is required to unfold it in a positive manner, and this seems to be a powerful deterrent. If it could be bought, many people would pay a high price for it. Few people, however, seem willing to live the life(The Great Work, The Path)that is required to awaken it. That awakening comes only by patient, persistent effort. It cannot be purchased: there is no royal road to its acquisition.
A Gallup poll indicates that belief in clairvoyance has increased from 26 percent to 32 percent over the past decade. It is, undoubtedly, the element of prophecy that makes clairvoyance so fascinating to many people. To be able to cheat time, so to speak, becomes almost a passion with some. Yet, such attempts to glimpse into the future, when successful, bring dissatisfaction, unrest, a centering of attention upon oneself, and a general loss of equilibrium; when unsuccessful, they are futile indeed.
The true clairvoyant power, on the other hand — which takes its beginnings in unselfish love — brings with it no such unhappy results. It is a power used at will by the master of life; in us it feebly manifests as flashes of intuition, hunches, warnings in dreams, and the like. A person who knows “instinctively,” as we say, what to do in a crisis, when to act, and when to refrain from action, who can make swift decisions, perhaps on momentous questions, that contain no flaw of judgment, who has a balanced sense of values is merely exercising the clairvoyant power of “seeing straight.”
Some people find it easy to tune their frequencies in to the other side to “see.” Other people develop the skill with practice. Some people can never master it. Some people become clairvoyant after a unique experience such as a Near-Death Experience, ET Abduction, high fever, serious accident, blow to the head area, or opening of the kundalini energies. Some people use chemical stimulants or hallucinogens to heighten their awareness. This is something I do not advise as the information may not be accurate and physical side effects may occur later on.
The very qualities such as discrimination and sound judgment, the natural attributes of the well-developed individual, indicate that normal evolutionary growth leads us sanely, even if imperceptibly, towards the acquiring of clairvoyant powers. The highly specialized powers of the adept, the normal higher human faculties, developed, refined, and expanded to a universal scope, must always rest on such secure foundations of character.
Two Types of Clairvoyance
There are two types of clairvoyance. When an individual is able, at will, to see in and investigate the inner worlds, and is the master of himself and what he is doing, he has developed positive, voluntary clairvoyance. This type of clairvoyance is developed through pure, helpful living, and the individual must be carefully trained in its use, in order that it may be completely effective and useful.
When the sights of the inner worlds are presented to an individual beyond his control, and he sees what is given to him to see and can in no way control this sight, it is negative or involuntary clairvoyance. This type of clairvoyance is dangerous, laying the individual open to possession by discarnate entities and, if permitted to go far enough, presenting the possibility that his or her life, in this world and the next, will quite literally not be his or her own.
Although both positive and negative clairvoyance exist, it is only with positive clairvoyance that an individual can accurately see and investigate the inner worlds and advance himself along the evolutionary path. Negative clairvoyance cannot be counted upon as a reliable tool of investigation, it often brings about the highly undesirable situation of personal control from an outside source, and it can cause evolutionary regression of the individual concerned.
The development of negative clairvoyance is much easier because it is merely a revival of the mirror-like function possessed by man in the far past, by which the outside world was involuntarily reflected in him. This function was afterward retained by inbreeding. With present-day media, this power is intermittent, which explains why they can sometimes “see” and at other times, for no apparent reason, fail utterly to do so.
Therefore, the aspirant must feel not a wish to gratify an idle curiosity, but a holy and unselfish desire to help humanity. Until such a desire exists, no progress can be made in the attainment of positive clairvoyance.
What It Involves
Opening inherent clairvoyant gifts has to do with DNA activation of encoded cellular memories, activations of chakras, raising frequency, balancing energy bodies, self-esteem and the ability to trust in what is heard and seen, and the present emotional state (clearing issues that block/or influence the information you get).
Expand your knowledge base in all areas of 3D. If you haven’t studied a language, it sounds like gibberish and its written symbols make no sense at all. The brain will have no way of interpreting the language into something you can understand. With the archetypes seen in meditation, dreams, etc.,the brain needs some sort of frame of reference in order to understand. Every reading is modified, and markedly colored, by our own powers of interpretation, partly governed by the degree of technical knowledge concerning the character and partly by the level of mental and intuitional development.
The neophyte must comprehend what he or she sees in the Desire World. Being clairvoyant does not mean that all truth is at once open to us and that we can “see all about” the higher worlds. The mere ability to see does not give us universal knowledge of that which we see. It requires much study and application to know about even that infinitesimal part of physical things that we handle in our daily lives. Hereditary and evolutionary backgrounds affect nature of interpretation.
Once clairvoyant gifts are opened, it is like any other exercise; it gets easier and easier. Some people meditate daily not for these messages but just to keep their sheath bodies in balance. They receive few images; but like to relax and feel at peace. When clairvoyant, solid objects are seen both inside and out. Space and solidity, as hindrances to observation, have ceased to exist.
In the Physical World, objects at least are dense, solid, and do not change in the twinkling of an eye. In the Desire World, they change in the most erratic manner. This is a source of endless confusion to the negative, involuntary clairvoyant, and even to the neophyte who enters under the guidance of a teacher. The teaching the neophyte receives, however, soon brings him or her to a point where he or she can perceive the Life that causes the change in Form and knows it for what it is, despite all possible and puzzling changes.
Clairvoyants must first be trained before their observations are of any real value, and the more proficient they become, the more modest they are about telling of what they see; and the more do they defer to the versions of others, knowing how much there is to learn and realizing how little the single investigator can grasp of all the details incident to his or her investigations.
This accounts for the varied versions of the higher worlds, which are often an argument against the existence of these worlds. They contend that if these worlds exist, investigators must necessarily bring back identical descriptions. However, each has his or her own peculiar way of looking at things and can describe what he or she sees only from his or her particular point of view. The account he or she gives may differ from those of others, yet all may be equally truthful from each individual observer’s viewpoint.
Another important distinction to be made is that the power that enables one to perceive the objects in a world is not identical with the power of entering that world and functioning there. The voluntary clairvoyant, though able to distinguish the true from the false in the Desire World, is in practically the same relation to it as a prisoner behind bars. He can see it but cannot participate. However, further exercises given, furnish the aspirant with a vehicle in which he or she can function in the inner worlds in a perfectly self-conscious manner.
Clairvoyance connects to the right side of the brain — the feminine, creative, and intuitive aspects. That is why physical sensations may be felt on the left side of the body when working clairvoyantly.
Possession of such faculties does not indicate an unusual degree of spiritual development; nor is their manifestation dependent upon purity and unselfishness of character. They are merely evidences that one or more of the astral senses are partially able to act independent of their physical counterparts. (here she disagrees with herself, "That awakening comes only by patient, persistent effort.", we agree with this perspective)
Every cell in our bodies is being affected by the raising frequencies of the planet. We are being activated whether we want to be or not.(Agree) Humanity is returning to an age of enlightenment in which we are all activating and we see the truth of our reality. At that time, psychic abilities become our total experience — the spiraling evolution of consciousness thought.