Biblical Numerics

The current Arabic usage of figures to express numbers (called Gematria) is relatively modern, the ancient peoples had no such symbols to express numbers (i.e. 1,2,3,...), and used letters of the alphabet instead. The Romans only used six letters:

I = 1 V = 5 X = 10 L = 50 C = 100 D = 500

Note: The Romans did not use M = 1000, but rather a mix of CI, written together looks like a M.

There is an unwritten set of rules that typically governs Biblical Numerics:

1) All numbers from 1-40 have some sort of specific spiritual meaning attached.

2) Only certain numbers above 40 will have special spiritual meaning applied.

3) Compounding numbers by doubling, tripling, etc. will generally carry the same spiritual meaning intensified.

4) Compounding numbers by adding 2 simple numbers usually carry both meanings - bringing out a deeper truth.

5) When a compound number is able to be divided by several factors, usually the spiritual meaning is in the simplest factor.

6) The first use of a number in scripture almost always gives a clue to the number's spiritual meaning.

7) Every place a number appears there does not have to be a spiritual truth there - especially applies to verse #, chapter #, etc.

8) Either words or phrases may convey spiritual value in at least 5 ways: actual use of a #, # of times a word/phrase is used, numeric value of a word/phrase, placement values of a letter, total value of a letter/word/phrase.


The numeric value of a word is the sum of the numeric values of its letters. The placement value of a letter is the number of the place the letter occupies in the alphabet. The total value of a letter, word, or phrase is the sum of its numeric and placement values.

The Hebrews and Greeks went further in their Gematria than the Romans and used every letter of their alphabets to express a numeric figure (Dual purpose). Below are the letter values for both alphabets:


Hebrew Alphabet (22 letters)
Greek Alphabet (24 letters)


Aleph = 1

Yod = 10
Koph = 100   Alpha = 1
Iota = 10

Rho = 100
Beth = 2
Kaph = 20 Resh = 200   Beta = 2
Kappa = 20

Sigma = 200
Gimel = 3 Lamed = 30 Shin = 300
  Gamma = 3
Lamba = 30

Tau = 300
Daleth = 4 Mem = 40
    Delta = 4
Mu = 40
Upsilon = 400
He = 5
Nun = 50
    Epsilon = 5
Nu = 50
Phi = 500
Vau = 6
Samech = 60     *Stigma = 6 Xi = 60

Chi = 600
Zayin = 7
Ayin = 70
    Zeta = 7
Omicron = 70

Psi = 700
Cheth = 8 Pe = 80
    Eta = 8
Pi = 80

Omega = 800
Teth = 9
Tsaddi = 90     Theta = 9

* An ancient Greek letter, no longer used. A secret to understanding Rev 13:18.

Numbers and Their Spiritual Significance

1 Unity of God

2 Union, Division, Witnessing

3 Resurrection, Divine Completeness and perfection

4 Creative Works, Earthly

5 Divine Grace

6 Weakness of man, sin

7 Spiritual Perfection

8 New birth, New Beginnings

9 Finality of Judgment, Fruit of the Spirit

10 Testimony, Law, and Responsibility

11 Disorder, Judgment

12 Governmental Perfection

13 Depravity and Rebellion

14 Deliverance, Salvation

15 Rest

16 Love

17 Victory

18 Bondage

19 Faith

20 Redemption

21 Exceeding sinfulness of sin

22 Light

23 Death

24 The Priesthood, Elect

25 Forgiveness of Sins

26 The Gospel of Christ

27 Preaching of the Gospel.

28 Eternal Life

30 Blood of Christ - Redemption

31 Offspring

32 Covenant

33 Promise

34 Naming of a Son

35 Hope

36 Enemy

37 Word of God

38 Slavery

39 Disease

40 Trials, Probation, Testing

42 Israel's Oppression

45 Preservation

50 The Holy Spirit

60 Pride

66 Idol Worship

70 Universality, Israel and Her restoration.

100 God's Election

119 Resurrection Day

120 Divine period of Probation

144 The Spirit Guided Life, the Remnant

153 Fruit-Bearing

200 Insufficiency

600 Warfare

666 Mark of the false jesus

888 The First Resurrection Saints

1000 Divine Completeness and the Glory of God.

7000 The Elect.

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