Beltane Ritual
A feather floats on the cool night wind,
The Mother knows my secret sin.
In the circle of light I find my bower,
Up pyramiid stairs to my secret tower.
At the top of the stairs lies the altar of stone,
Where life is death and sin is atoned.
Overseer of rites for long generations,
The Goddess doth live midst our wild manifestations.
The bridal night approaches now soon,
The bridegroom awaits the turn of a rune.
He anxiously waits for the night and the love,
My passion not here but in the heav'ns above.
Death is the bridegroom and fury my rest,
Rage follows my footsteps and stems from my breast.
I know not my glory but now do I see,
In death I liveth forever with Thee.
My raiment is spread on the coverlet of silk,
My bath is drawn of flowers and milk.
I wait now with final understanding of all,
A God not a human awaits in this thrall.