Alchemy is a process it is a Spiritual Journey inwards. The purpose is to Ascend. It is The Great Work !
A true Alchemist understands the Philosopher's Stone is a metaphor. AS ABOVE SO BELOW! AS WITHIN SO WITHOUT !
Dictionary Definition:
1)A medieval chemical philosophy having as its asserted aims the transmutation of base metals into gold, the discovery of the panacea, and the preparation of the elixir of longevity. (The Elusive Philosophers Stone)
2)A seemingly magical power or process of transmuting/changing.
(Here's the one were interested in)
The true alchemists believes in something else.
1)A change in form or appearance : METAMORPHOSIS b : an exalting, glorifying, or spiritual change.
following quoted from Craig Chalquist
"They(alchemists) believed that all things evolve. And
not only things classified as living. The alchemist recognized three kingdoms:
mineral, vegetable, and animal. Corresponding to the sacred compounds Salt,
Sulphur, and Mercury, each kingdom slowly metamorphosed into the next, base
metals like iron growing eventually into gold, all minerals gradually becoming
plants, plants animals. To accelerate this evolution: this the alchemist saw
as his most holy, scientific responsibility. Although these researcher-contemplatives
never found literal gold or immortality (the usual disappointment at rainbow's
end for those who live out what should be lived in), they located something more precious than metallic wealth: an unintended glimpse,
coded into their elaborate formulas, of the psyche's deepest patterns."
Read that last line's important.
The "ANSWER' lies WITHIN.....
So why study Alchemy ? When one has transfigured themselves, transmuted and Ascended, abilities emerge. We all have Psychic ability, everyone. I grant you in most people it lies asleep, but they are only waiting to be awoke. Another reason is to manifest your reality. I tell you true, this can be done. Follow the rules and you can make your reality what you wish!