Greetings from Sheer;

March 6, 2005


Many of you will remember, and our sub- domain Mystic Realm. We no longer own the domain name, but the site CrystalWell is; I am pleased to announce, alive and healthy. We are very happy to have the site back online. Thank- You to all those people in cyberspace who voiced your concern over our dissapearance. No worries, we said we'd be back :-)

Spydr and I have been very busy over the last 2 years. We have participated in many different religious/spiritual rituals. We have been welcomed into the prayer places and homes by the practioners of various faiths. Witches, Muslims, and Christians of many denominations allowed us to share and experience their faith. We thank them. In the last 2 years we have become Warrior/ Intercessors for the Church of Canada and WhiteLighters for the Lutheran Church. Yeah who'd of guessed.

We have performed an exorcism. This was a truley bizarre experience, one I am glad I had a chance to participate in, and hope to God will not happen again. But it was a wonderful experience all the same. Why you ask? Because I got to witness people from all religious backgrounds put aside there differences and come together for one "soul" purpose. Several people focused all their Faith/Love on to one person, they surrounded him, all praying in their own ways, totally unselfishly. This prayer vigil went on for 3 days straight.

A world where people stop dwelling on their religious differences and start focusing on their spiritual similarities. What a concept!

We have been asked on several occasions if this is an electronic resurrection of the original "Crystal Well" witches magazine created 30 yrs ago. To be honest when this site was created in 1997 we had not even heard of the original and the type of site we planned was one of a homeopathic nature. A site on natural healing methods of an organic nature. Little did we realize we were opening a doorway to a spiritual journey. Every name we wanted for the domain was already I decided to practice a little Bibliomancy. I picked up the wonderful book "The Mists of Avalon" by Marion Zimmer Bradley, closed my eyes opened the book and pointed...first word "Well".....second go round gave me the word "Crystal". Enough said : )

Funny since then I have read the acknowledgments and Marion actually mentions the "Crystal Well" and its founder Philip Wayne.

Since that day many things have changed in my life and they have redirected the original view I had of this site. I owe a great thanks to Cerridwyn for supporting me while I examined who I truly am. Thanks Mother. To my husband, friend , inspiration and salvation- Spydr, there are not enough words.

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